No More Doggy Smell.
April 5th, 2016

This product was recommended by several people in a group of dog lovers. They were absolutely right about it. I now have bottles of Eco-88 placed strategically throughout the house for any pet accidents that occur. This stuff is amazing to remove any appearance or odor of an accident. When there is a potty accident or one of the dogs throws up, I quickly clean up whatever is there with a paper towel then I spray Eco-88 to saturate the carpet in that area. Usually, I place a paper towel on top so that we can avoid walking there. Visitors have commented that they can't smell dogs when they enter the house. I take that as a compliment.
I like Eco-88 so much that I purchased it for the family that adopted the foster dog we had. She have having accidents in the house. They sprayed even the old places and were very happy that it cleared the room of any smell.
If you have pets, you need this stuff.

No More Doggy Smell.

This product was recommended by several people in a group of dog lovers. They were absolutely right about it. I now have bottles of Eco-88 placed strategically throughout the house for any pet accidents that occur. This stuff is amazing to remove any appearance or odor of an accident. When there is a potty accident or one of the dogs throws up, I quickly clean up whatever is there with a paper towel then I spray Eco-88 to saturate the carpet in that area. Usually, I place a paper towel on top so that we can avoid walking there. Visitors have commented that they can't smell dogs when they enter the house. I take that as a compliment.
I like Eco-88 so much that I purchased it for the family that adopted the foster dog we had. She have having accidents in the house. They sprayed even the old places and were very happy that it cleared the room of any smell.
If you have pets, you need this stuff.