Works Right Away! Best Cat Pee Cleaner! Works For Other Bio Messes Also!
March 12th, 2018
I fell in love with this product after trying it out on new and old stains. Unlike an enzyme cleaner this one doesn't matter if you have already tried other cleaners. Even if you don't follow the directions right the first time it still works really well. I use it to clean any biological mess....i.e. my cat with a uti, my potty training toddler who had an accident, or vomit stain from human or animal that got sick. I will temporarily turn your fingers a little white if you don't wear gloves but nothing that won't resolve itself within a day or less. We had a hard time believing at first that it would work so well without us having to scrub or brush the stains out (follow instructions on bottle and be amazed). There were even times I couldn't tell where the cat had gone just knew it was somewhere in a 6ft section of the room, I was able to spray the cleaner (spray not stream setting) and visibly see it begin to bubble where the cat pee was!
Works Right Away! Best Cat Pee Cleaner! Works For Other Bio Messes Also!
I fell in love with this product after trying it out on new and old stains. Unlike an enzyme cleaner this one doesn't matter if you have already tried other cleaners. Even if you don't follow the directions right the first time it still works really well. I use it to clean any biological mess....i.e. my cat with a uti, my potty training toddler who had an accident, or vomit stain from human or animal that got sick. I will temporarily turn your fingers a little white if you don't wear gloves but nothing that won't resolve itself within a day or less. We had a hard time believing at first that it would work so well without us having to scrub or brush the stains out (follow instructions on bottle and be amazed). There were even times I couldn't tell where the cat had gone just knew it was somewhere in a 6ft section of the room, I was able to spray the cleaner (spray not stream setting) and visibly see it begin to bubble where the cat pee was!