Why Pet Stains & Odors Return
The truth is: It’s not your fault!
If you’re like me you’ve probably struggled with not only removing pet accidents, but also keeping those pesky odors and stains from resurfacing again.
In this video you are about to watch, you will learn…
- Why stains often return – even if the product worked to remove the odor
- The reason why pet odors are so much worse on hot and wet days
- Why you need to be extra careful with a carpet cleaning machine
- How hiring a professional cleaning company can actually make matters worse

So what’s the solution?
You’re probably thinking to yourself, “Ok, now I know what DOESN’T work. But what is the solution?”
Well, that is exactly what I asked the Ex-Carpet Cleaner, and what he told me was that after trying ever commercially available product under the sun, he started to mess around with mixing up his own custom solution.
He told me that his goal was to create a solution that…
- didn’t rely on enzymes to work
- that wasn’t detergent based
- that didn’t use fragrances or perfumes
- that was environmentally safe and could be used around pets, kids and plants.
- that didn’t contain and harsh chemicals or bleaches.
- And the solution had to work to permanently remove any type of accident that could come out of a living/breathing creature including; urine, feces, vomit, blood, sweat and more.
So he started to test different combinations and mixtures in the search for a solution. The beauty was that as a professional carpet cleaner, he had the opportunity to literally try his different solutions every single day of the week.
This trial and error went on for a good 6 to 9 months. Mixing up solutions, testing, getting feedback then tweaking the solution some and trying again. Some things he tried worked on the odor, but did nothing for the stain. Others were the opposite, they would work on the stain, but left a weird odor afterwords.
Finally all the the effort and testing paid off and he did stumbled upon the perfect mixture that met all his original criteria.
How I Got My Hands On The Solution…
So naturally I ask, “Well, how can I get my hands on some of this solution?”
I could tell my question kind of caught him off guard, like he never even though that someone might be interested in just the PRODUCT, and not the full cleaning SERVICE.
A little bewildered he said “well I guess I can make you batch of it”
HALLELUJAH, after all this long story of why other stuff doesn’t work, and finally he was willing to share a the magical solution with me.
Then, I Needed More…
So about a week later I came back and get 5 gallons of the solution from him and quickly headed home to try it out for myself.
That night I spent about 2 hours running around my house like a mad man. There I was running around with a spray bottle of the solution, on these little micro-scavenger hunts for anything and everything that halfway resembled a stain or smelt.
Literally I would spray and saturate the area, move on the the next, and then come back 20-30 mins later to check on them.
When I checked on them, I could tell I was making progress and it was ALMOST gone, I would just apply and the second application usually did the trick.
It was unreal, I couldn’t believe it, I didn’t have to scrub or blot after spraying and yet the stains and odors were COMPLETELY GONE.
I ended up using about a gallon and half of the solution getting my house back inline.
I Started To Share The Product With Friends…
I still had a few gallons worth of the solution left. So, I started pouring in into smaller bottled and sharing it with friends and family that I knew had pets.
They probably thought I was crazy when I handed the a blank white spray bottle and said; “Just trust me, and try it. It works on anything that can come out of an animal and can be used on carpet, hardwood, furniture, litter boxes, and in/around pet bedding. All you have to do is spray and walk away”.
Well, after receiving the 5th call where one of them told me about how amazed they were with this stuff, and asking me for more, I realized I might be onto something here and that there might be a lot more frustrated pet owners out their who might be interested in some as well.
It Started To Snowball…
Long story short, I contact the Ex-Carpet Cleaner and told him what I was thinking, I asked him that if I could get the word out about the solution through a website, would he make it for me. And he said “yes”
Luckily, back in the day when I was selling stuff on eBay, I had read the ‘websites for dummies’ book and learned how to build html websites.
I decided to call the solution “ECO 88 Brands”, and threw up an ugly website just to see if people would try this stuff.
It took a while, but people started to stumble upon the website, and some brave soles even ventured to try ‘ECO 88 Brands’.
I think the only reason they tried it was because I had such an insane guaranteed:
If they tried ‘ECO 88 Brands’, and they weren’t 100 satisfied I would refund 100% of their money for the product PLUS the shipping and handling, AND I didn’t even make them send the bottle of ‘ECO 88 Brands’ back to get a refund.
Funny thing was no one ever asked for a refund, and actually I started to get a ton of referrals from people that had tried ‘ECO 88 Brands’ then recommended their friends to this video and website.
As old war stories go. This is how ‘ECO 88 Brands – Pet Stain & Odor Remover’ got started.
Now It’s Going Viral…
A few frustrated pet owners tried it, shared it with their friends, they shared it with their friends, and over time it blew up to become this community of pet owners that swear by ‘ECO 88 Brands’.
In the beginning our goal wasn’t to become a huge corporation, or get ‘ECO 88 Brands’ into every story in the world. It was just to help fellow pet owners out with the challenge we all faced.
So we’re just going to continue doing what has worked so far; sharing the truth about why pet stains and odors are not your fault, why most of the cleaning options don’t work, and then personally inviting you to try a bottle of ‘ECO 88 Brands’ for yourself.
Here Is Your Chance…
So if you have either new or old pet stains and odors challenges, or maybe an older animal who cannot control their bowels as well anymore, or even just looking for a great cleaner for emergencies; I’d like to personally invite you to try ECO 88 Brands in your home.
ECO 88 Brands come is both quarts and gallons, and a quart of ECO 88 Brands sells on Amazon.com for $27.
But by buying directly from us you can save 32% off the price on Amazon.com and get two quarts for only $37.
You should see a button or link below where you can take advantage of this special offer, so go ahead and click on it now and we can get your order shipped out to you the same day in more cases.
And just like when we started out, if you’re not 100% satisfied, just let me know and I’ll refund both the money for the product itself PLUS the shipping and handling charge, there is nothing to return AND we’ll part as friends.
You have nothing to lose, I’ll take all the risk in you trying ECO 88 Brands.
I hope this video was informative, I enjoyed making it for you, and I look forward to hearing about your success with ECO 88 Brands soon.
ECO 88 Brands Reviews…
This stuff works! I've been in the pet industry for 44 yrs and this product is hands down the best for pet stains and odors. Just pour it and walk away. For tougher areas you may have to apply a few times but I haven't had to.The BestThe Best55starsThis stuff works! I've been in the pet industry for 44 yrs and this product is hands down the best for pet stains and odors. Just pour it and walk away. For tougher areas you may have to apply a few times but I haven't had to.
Great Cleaner
2021-03-16samanthaskaggsI have been using this product for years. It really does eliminate stains without rubbing. Doesn’t matter if the stain is animal or human clumsiness.Great CleanerGreat Cleaner55starsI have been using this product for years. It really does eliminate stains without rubbing. Doesn’t matter if the stain is animal or human clumsiness. -
Really works as it says–spray and walk away
2021-03-13samanthaskaggsGood smell----really works---love it and I tell my friends about it!!Really works as it says–spray and walk awayReally works as it says–spray and walk away55starsGood smell----really works---love it and I tell my friends about it!! -
Best cleaner when foster
2021-03-07samanthaskaggsThis is the only cleaner I use. As a foster for a dog rescue, I have experienced plenty of accidents and Eco88 is the best! Recommend to everyone.Best cleaner when fosterBest cleaner when foster55starsThis is the only cleaner I use. As a foster for a dog rescue, I have experienced plenty of accidents and Eco88 is the best! Recommend to everyone. -
Love this stuff!!!!
2021-03-05samanthaskaggsThis is absolutely one of the best products to get stains out of carpet. This has been a life saver with pet accidents. It even got Big Red soda out of our couch after my husband’s spill. I would highly recommend. I’ve been using this product for at least 20 years and I always make sure to have some on hand.Love this stuff!!!!Love this stuff!!!!55starsThis is absolutely one of the best products to get stains out of carpet. This has been a life saver with pet accidents. It even got Big Red soda out of our couch after my husband’s spill. I would highly recommend. I’ve been using this product for at least 20 years and I always make sure to have some on hand. -
Get rid of your problem
2021-03-01samanthaskaggsBest on the market -- no perfume because it doesn't need it. It kills bacteria associated with bodily fluids and the smell disappears. I use it everywhere and for anything that might have odor or bacteria. I bought it because I have a cat that sprays on walls and bedding.Get rid of your problemGet rid of your problem55starsBest on the market -- no perfume because it doesn't need it. It kills bacteria associated with bodily fluids and the smell disappears. I use it everywhere and for anything that might have odor or bacteria. I bought it because I have a cat that sprays on walls and bedding. -
It Works!
2021-02-25samanthaskaggsLove this product. Lifts old and new stains.It Works!It Works!55starsLove this product. Lifts old and new stains. -
It works!
2021-02-25samanthaskaggsWe discovered this product a few years ago at an independent local pet supply store. We had an old, blind dog and accidents happen. Fast forward 2 years with a new rescue dog and cold, snowy weather . . . Accidents happen. This home has very light carpet (prior owners didn’t have pets) and the Eco-88 has been fantastic at stain and odor removal, even on the light-colored carpet! I highly recommend this product if you have pets or children or elderly in your home.It works!It works!55starsWe discovered this product a few years ago at an independent local pet supply store. We had an old, blind dog and accidents happen. Fast forward 2 years with a new rescue dog and cold, snowy weather . . . Accidents happen. This home has very light carpet (prior owners didn’t have pets) and the Eco-88 has been fantastic at stain and odor removal, even on the light-colored carpet! I highly recommend this product if you have pets or children or elderly in your home. -
Really works well on pet stains.
2021-02-24samanthaskaggsLike that you just spray on and that's it.Really works well on pet stains.Really works well on pet stains.55starsLike that you just spray on and that's it. -
This stuff works.
2021-02-15samanthaskaggsThis product removes pet stains and smells far better than anything else on the market.This stuff works.This stuff works.55starsThis product removes pet stains and smells far better than anything else on the market. -
Eco 88 is effective and is a product worth having at home.
2021-01-28samanthaskaggsEco 88 is an excellent product, to not only remove spills, but odors, and pet stains. It is a rare product that actually does what it advertises, but Eco 88 is that product. In addition, the distributors of Eco 88, whom are in Spring Texas, are very helpful, professional, and friendly. They promptly returned my e--mail inquiry, and the staff I spoke with by phone was friendly, and helpful. Well-done !
Eco 88 is effective and is a product worth having at home.Eco 88 is effective and is a product worth having at home.55starsEco 88 is an excellent product, to not only remove spills, but odors, and pet stains. It is a rare product that actually does what it advertises, but Eco 88 is that product. In addition, the distributors of Eco 88, whom are in Spring Texas, are very helpful, professional, and friendly. They promptly returned my e--mail inquiry, and the staff I spoke with by phone was friendly, and helpful. Well-done !
Could not do without ECO 88 when you have an aging catjulie miller, Left on AmazonJanuary 19th, 2021
Could not do without ECO 88 when you have an aging cat
2021-01-19samanthaskaggsI have an aging cat at 16 years old is equal to a senior citizen in human years. He has irritable bowel syndrome. I can vouch for eco 88. I buy a bottle a month. Takes ALL stains out and ALL smell. My house is of the belief that our pets help us and when the time comes we owe it to them. We invited them to be a part of the family. Just put it on and forget about itCould not do without ECO 88 when you have an aging catCould not do without ECO 88 when you have an aging cat55starsI have an aging cat at 16 years old is equal to a senior citizen in human years. He has irritable bowel syndrome. I can vouch for eco 88. I buy a bottle a month. Takes ALL stains out and ALL smell. My house is of the belief that our pets help us and when the time comes we owe it to them. We invited them to be a part of the family. Just put it on and forget about it -
Best Cleaner For Pet Messes
2020-12-23samanthaskaggsWe've been using this product for several years. It continues to perform amazingly. No change in the product from first batch to the present, which can happy in some manufacturing. I clean up the big part of the mess, then spray Eco-88 and let the enzymes, etc. do their thing. Really great, clean results. Sometime, i need to use a brush with the spray and it works even faster. Then just some dabs with paper towel. Well worth the price!
Best Cleaner For Pet MessesBest Cleaner For Pet Messes55starsWe've been using this product for several years. It continues to perform amazingly. No change in the product from first batch to the present, which can happy in some manufacturing. I clean up the big part of the mess, then spray Eco-88 and let the enzymes, etc. do their thing. Really great, clean results. Sometime, i need to use a brush with the spray and it works even faster. Then just some dabs with paper towel. Well worth the price!
Does What It Claims
2020-12-23samanthaskaggsIf you have young pets or old pets, this is the best product on the market for the occasional OOPS!
Does What It ClaimsDoes What It Claims55starsIf you have young pets or old pets, this is the best product on the market for the occasional OOPS!
Great product that works on pet stains and odors.
2020-12-18samanthaskaggsI have used ECO-88 for years now, because it’s the best at removing pet stains and odor. It doesn’t have a strong scent at all, but removes the urine smell our dogs leave on the carpet. We use a black light to find all the areas they have marked, then spray the spots using a one gallon sprayer, and stains disappear before our eyes. Love this stuff!Great product that works on pet stains and odors.Great product that works on pet stains and odors.55starsI have used ECO-88 for years now, because it’s the best at removing pet stains and odor. It doesn’t have a strong scent at all, but removes the urine smell our dogs leave on the carpet. We use a black light to find all the areas they have marked, then spray the spots using a one gallon sprayer, and stains disappear before our eyes. Love this stuff! -
Eco 88 Is Great!
2020-12-14samanthaskaggsThis product is fabulous! I have a cat who has a problem called stomatitis. She throws up occasionally and I use Eco 88 on the carpet. I have no stains and absolutely no odor in the carpet afterwards. It is also extremely easy to use!! Five stars for Eco 88.
Eco 88 Is Great!Eco 88 Is Great!55starsThis product is fabulous! I have a cat who has a problem called stomatitis. She throws up occasionally and I use Eco 88 on the carpet. I have no stains and absolutely no odor in the carpet afterwards. It is also extremely easy to use!! Five stars for Eco 88.
A Powerful Oder Remover With No Perfume Smell!
2020-12-09samanthaskaggsI use Eco88 for all my pet's stains. Just soak up the offending stain, then spray this on and let it sit for a few minutes before drying. It works great, and doesn't have an over-the-top perfumey odor like some other pet stain removal products.
A Powerful Oder Remover With No Perfume Smell!A Powerful Oder Remover With No Perfume Smell!55starsI use Eco88 for all my pet's stains. Just soak up the offending stain, then spray this on and let it sit for a few minutes before drying. It works great, and doesn't have an over-the-top perfumey odor like some other pet stain removal products.
2020-12-09samanthaskaggsHasn't completely covered smell but ha covered it way better than the many other products I have tried! Recommend it!
Recommended!Recommended!55starsHasn't completely covered smell but ha covered it way better than the many other products I have tried! Recommend it!
Seems To Work As Advertised
2020-12-04samanthaskaggsI have an old dog that is semi incontinent. Accidents happen. This seems to work as advertised. Helps with stains and odors better than other products that I have tried.
Seems To Work As AdvertisedSeems To Work As Advertised55starsI have an old dog that is semi incontinent. Accidents happen. This seems to work as advertised. Helps with stains and odors better than other products that I have tried.
Perfect For Accidents 🙂
2020-11-28samanthaskaggsGreat product!
Perfect For Accidents 🙂Perfect For Accidents 🙂55starsGreat product!
Best Odor Remover, Period!
2020-11-15samanthaskaggsI was looking for something unscented that really removed cat spray around our house and this was recommended to me by a pet store. It's been over 5 years and I will never use anything else! Just douse any surface with cast spray and stains and if you cover it entirely, the smell is gone almost immediately! It's great to keep cats from going back to spots they've sprayed to spray again because they can't find it. I've used it on clothes, carpet, pillows, couches, tile, hardwood, whatever! Everything I tried before, including enzymes, left a mix of fragrance and cat pee lingering. Not with eco-88!
Best Odor Remover, Period!Best Odor Remover, Period!55starsI was looking for something unscented that really removed cat spray around our house and this was recommended to me by a pet store. It's been over 5 years and I will never use anything else! Just douse any surface with cast spray and stains and if you cover it entirely, the smell is gone almost immediately! It's great to keep cats from going back to spots they've sprayed to spray again because they can't find it. I've used it on clothes, carpet, pillows, couches, tile, hardwood, whatever! Everything I tried before, including enzymes, left a mix of fragrance and cat pee lingering. Not with eco-88!
Hands Down, The Best Product On The Market That I Have Found So Fari'ma72classic, Left on AmazonNovember 9th, 2020
Hands Down, The Best Product On The Market That I Have Found So Far
2020-11-09samanthaskaggsI have 5 dogs and the 3 males mark their territory. I have tried a dozen products and hands down this is the best at eliminating urine, blood and vomit stains on carpet and furniture. Because of this great product, my home doesn't smell like five dogs live in it.
Just wish it could remove burnt popcorn smell! Seriously. I wish it was less expensive but there isn't anything out there that I have found that is so easy to use and works so well. Just be careful not to let the dogs walk on the area.
Hands Down, The Best Product On The Market That I Have Found So FarHands Down, The Best Product On The Market That I Have Found So Far55starsI have 5 dogs and the 3 males mark their territory. I have tried a dozen products and hands down this is the best at eliminating urine, blood and vomit stains on carpet and furniture. Because of this great product, my home doesn't smell like five dogs live in it.
Just wish it could remove burnt popcorn smell! Seriously. I wish it was less expensive but there isn't anything out there that I have found that is so easy to use and works so well. Just be careful not to let the dogs walk on the area.
So Far So Good
2020-11-08samanthaskaggsQuick shipping, well protected and no leaking. Used on stubborn dog urine stain and high traffic area on steps. Sprayed a generous amount, very light scent. Both stains gone. TBD if the dog reuses in same spot. Definitely recommend.
So Far So GoodSo Far So Good55starsQuick shipping, well protected and no leaking. Used on stubborn dog urine stain and high traffic area on steps. Sprayed a generous amount, very light scent. Both stains gone. TBD if the dog reuses in same spot. Definitely recommend.
Cleans up wonderfully. My dog is greatful
2020-11-07samanthaskaggsOk this is the best and has saved my dog from being evicted by my husband many times. Vomit stains gone, pee stains gone. I have an older dog and she does her best... but you know. Even vomit stain several days old can be cleaned and make the stain go away . Life saverCleans up wonderfully. My dog is greatfulCleans up wonderfully. My dog is greatful55starsOk this is the best and has saved my dog from being evicted by my husband many times. Vomit stains gone, pee stains gone. I have an older dog and she does her best... but you know. Even vomit stain several days old can be cleaned and make the stain go away . Life saver -
Best product ever!
2020-11-06samanthaskaggsWhen my dog has thrown up (sorry for the visual), it sometimes leaves a stain on my light colored carpet. This stuff will remove any stains and I am not even able to tell where the spot was after a few days. I highly recommend.Best product ever!Best product ever!55starsWhen my dog has thrown up (sorry for the visual), it sometimes leaves a stain on my light colored carpet. This stuff will remove any stains and I am not even able to tell where the spot was after a few days. I highly recommend. -
Great For Pet Owners
2020-10-27samanthaskaggsLove this stuff
Recommend it to pet owners
Great For Pet OwnersGreat For Pet Owners55starsLove this stuff
Recommend it to pet owners
Get This Stuff. It Will Save Your Relationship With Your Cat.Amazon Customer, Left on AmazonOctober 23rd, 2020
Get This Stuff. It Will Save Your Relationship With Your Cat.
2020-10-23samanthaskaggsI let a feral cat inside and he peed everywhere and eventually my cat did too. And nothing worked! I think my fraustration took a toll on our relationship because she was hiding more 🥺 . Well my vet recommended this stuff and wow! It worked right away! She doesn't pee on the carpet anymore 🙂 and our relationship is mended she is just as snuggly as she was in the beginning. She's happy with me.
Get This Stuff. It Will Save Your Relationship With Your Cat.Get This Stuff. It Will Save Your Relationship With Your Cat.55starsI let a feral cat inside and he peed everywhere and eventually my cat did too. And nothing worked! I think my fraustration took a toll on our relationship because she was hiding more 🥺 . Well my vet recommended this stuff and wow! It worked right away! She doesn't pee on the carpet anymore 🙂 and our relationship is mended she is just as snuggly as she was in the beginning. She's happy with me.
Dont Buy Anything Else
2020-10-22samanthaskaggsIt's a miracle. Handles the 3 P's (pee, poo, puke) like it never happened. I have 4 dogs, white everything, and this stuff.
Dont Buy Anything ElseDont Buy Anything Else55starsIt's a miracle. Handles the 3 P's (pee, poo, puke) like it never happened. I have 4 dogs, white everything, and this stuff.
Eco 88 really works
2020-10-20samanthaskaggsEco 88 is very easy to use and destroys the strain leaving the rug/blanket/etc clean. I highly recommend it for all pet ownersEco 88 really worksEco 88 really works55starsEco 88 is very easy to use and destroys the strain leaving the rug/blanket/etc clean. I highly recommend it for all pet owners -
Dependable Product!
2020-10-07samanthaskaggsImmediately works and removes odor and stains. A must have for pet owners.
Dependable Product!Dependable Product!55starsImmediately works and removes odor and stains. A must have for pet owners.
2020-10-06samanthaskaggsThis stuff actually does what it says. Completely gets rid of stains and odors. I got a puppy 5 months ago and have purchased this twice. Getting on right now to purchase again because...potty training hasn't been easy lol.
100%100%55starsThis stuff actually does what it says. Completely gets rid of stains and odors. I got a puppy 5 months ago and have purchased this twice. Getting on right now to purchase again because...potty training hasn't been easy lol.
2020-10-03samanthaskaggsThis cleaner is the best I have used for cleaning up after a cat that likes pooping on the carpet at times. Works great.MeowMeow55starsThis cleaner is the best I have used for cleaning up after a cat that likes pooping on the carpet at times. Works great. -
This Stuff WORKS!
2020-09-26samanthaskaggsThis product is amazing! Not only does it remove pet stains (many from long ago), it is great for getting rid of stains on clothing - food, blood, grease, etc. I buy it by the gallon ❤️
This Stuff WORKS!This Stuff WORKS!55starsThis product is amazing! Not only does it remove pet stains (many from long ago), it is great for getting rid of stains on clothing - food, blood, grease, etc. I buy it by the gallon ❤️
Excellent Value For The Money! Does The Job
2020-09-18samanthaskaggsAfter many years of taking care of pet accidents, I am happy to report that this is a product well worth the money and does exactly what it claims it will! It removes stains and order immediately if a second application is applied it cleans all messes effectively. Anyone that owns pets for a long period of time expecially dogs; hast to understand that you could clean a floor or a carpet endlessly and repeatedly but it will never take out A scent 100%. A dog Can detect the slightest sense of anything! They smell animals that are hundreds of yards away. Lemon juice sprayed on some carpet surfaces can effectively deter them from the area. It's one smell they cannot tolerate. This product is well worth the money and I highly recommend it!
Excellent Value For The Money! Does The JobExcellent Value For The Money! Does The Job55starsAfter many years of taking care of pet accidents, I am happy to report that this is a product well worth the money and does exactly what it claims it will! It removes stains and order immediately if a second application is applied it cleans all messes effectively. Anyone that owns pets for a long period of time expecially dogs; hast to understand that you could clean a floor or a carpet endlessly and repeatedly but it will never take out A scent 100%. A dog Can detect the slightest sense of anything! They smell animals that are hundreds of yards away. Lemon juice sprayed on some carpet surfaces can effectively deter them from the area. It's one smell they cannot tolerate. This product is well worth the money and I highly recommend it!
This Is A Miracle Spray
2020-09-14samanthaskaggsI have use this for years. The gentleman who invented that lives in my sister subdivision. She has used it for over 15 years and I used to buy it from him. It works really well and gets out all stains and does not smell. It is like a miracle spray. It is great for blood, Just spray it on and watch it disappear.
This Is A Miracle SprayThis Is A Miracle Spray55starsI have use this for years. The gentleman who invented that lives in my sister subdivision. She has used it for over 15 years and I used to buy it from him. It works really well and gets out all stains and does not smell. It is like a miracle spray. It is great for blood, Just spray it on and watch it disappear.
2020-09-12samanthaskaggsThis product works extremely fast and very well. I can burn your hands if you do it too long ....... but washing them takes it away. It turns your hands white if you are exposed for a half hour. No harm comes from it. They lost the first shipment, that was nerve wracking, but the second came a month later ...... thank heaven for that.!!
ExcellentExcellent55starsThis product works extremely fast and very well. I can burn your hands if you do it too long ....... but washing them takes it away. It turns your hands white if you are exposed for a half hour. No harm comes from it. They lost the first shipment, that was nerve wracking, but the second came a month later ...... thank heaven for that.!!
It Really Works! 🙂
2020-09-12samanthaskaggsShazam! 🙂 This really works! A must for all pet lovers!It Really Works! 🙂It Really Works! 🙂55starsShazam! 🙂 This really works! A must for all pet lovers! -
This Actually Works In Getting Rid Of Smells
2020-09-11samanthaskaggsI have two chihuahuas that have accidents. This removes the smells and stains. It is amazing. My vet recommended it. It is so worth it.
This Actually Works In Getting Rid Of SmellsThis Actually Works In Getting Rid Of Smells55starsI have two chihuahuas that have accidents. This removes the smells and stains. It is amazing. My vet recommended it. It is so worth it.
2020-09-08samanthaskaggsI’ve tried them all-By far the BEST dog urine and odor removerThe BESTThe BEST55starsI’ve tried them all-By far the BEST dog urine and odor remover -
I Love Eco 88
2020-09-02samanthaskaggsI have been using Eco 88 for years. Love it, it is the most awesome for stains.
I Love Eco 88I Love Eco 8855starsI have been using Eco 88 for years. Love it, it is the most awesome for stains.
It’s Amazing
2020-09-02samanthaskaggsIt is amazing! Spray it on, let it dry and the stains are gone. You need to saturate the stain if it is deep or old. You may even have apply it a couple of times.
It’s AmazingIt’s Amazing55starsIt is amazing! Spray it on, let it dry and the stains are gone. You need to saturate the stain if it is deep or old. You may even have apply it a couple of times.
Easy to apply
2020-09-02samanthaskaggsVery easy to apply, don’t need to remove , takes the smell away removing the spotsEasy to applyEasy to apply55starsVery easy to apply, don’t need to remove , takes the smell away removing the spots -
Expensive But Does The Job
2020-08-20samanthaskaggsUse this to successfully get lingering dog pee smell out of couch. In the past I tried Nature's Miracle and even a carpet shampooer but nothing worked. Although it's "unscented" it does get a little strong when using a lot at one time.
Expensive But Does The JobExpensive But Does The Job55starsUse this to successfully get lingering dog pee smell out of couch. In the past I tried Nature's Miracle and even a carpet shampooer but nothing worked. Although it's "unscented" it does get a little strong when using a lot at one time.
Stain And Odor Remover
2020-08-15samanthaskaggsWorks great on odor. Also it takes the stains out of clothes. I spilled a glass of red wine on white carpet and a mattress and it took it completely out. I had tried several other cleaners before this and nothing worked but this.
Stain And Odor RemoverStain And Odor Remover55starsWorks great on odor. Also it takes the stains out of clothes. I spilled a glass of red wine on white carpet and a mattress and it took it completely out. I had tried several other cleaners before this and nothing worked but this.
Amazing Product!
2020-08-11samanthaskaggsAmazing product. Removes pet smells and stains better than any product I’ve ever used.Amazing Product!Amazing Product!55starsAmazing product. Removes pet smells and stains better than any product I’ve ever used. -
Pet Stain Remover
2020-08-06samanthaskaggsWorks as intended. Humans cannot smell animal urine but obviously my dogs do because they keep having toilet accidents in exact same spot.
Pet Stain RemoverPet Stain Remover55starsWorks as intended. Humans cannot smell animal urine but obviously my dogs do because they keep having toilet accidents in exact same spot.
Magic in a bottle
2020-08-06samanthaskaggsIdk what is in this stuff but it has to be magic! I have two cats and two dogs, after we moved into our new house our pets started peeing in my daughters nursery. It smelled awful! But after using the spray the stains were completely gone and so was the smell. I ordered a few bottles of this stuff and I intended to keep buying for any future issues. Also worked on our sofa when my daughter made a mess on it. Word of advice though, dont use on darker colors because it can leave a "bleached" stain.
Magic in a bottleMagic in a bottle55starsIdk what is in this stuff but it has to be magic! I have two cats and two dogs, after we moved into our new house our pets started peeing in my daughters nursery. It smelled awful! But after using the spray the stains were completely gone and so was the smell. I ordered a few bottles of this stuff and I intended to keep buying for any future issues. Also worked on our sofa when my daughter made a mess on it. Word of advice though, dont use on darker colors because it can leave a "bleached" stain.
Easy To Use
2020-08-02samanthaskaggsWe've an elderly cat who can have accidents from time to time. I like that with this spray, after you clean up as much as possible, you can just spray this and walk away and it really works. No worry about the pets getting into the area you sprayed or coming back to deal with the area (unless it's wood). It works well to get rid of the odor.
Easy To UseEasy To Use55starsWe've an elderly cat who can have accidents from time to time. I like that with this spray, after you clean up as much as possible, you can just spray this and walk away and it really works. No worry about the pets getting into the area you sprayed or coming back to deal with the area (unless it's wood). It works well to get rid of the odor.
ECO-88 does the job on cat urine
2020-08-01samanthaskaggsI've been using ECO-88 for several years and it has always worked to completely control cat urine odor which is essential in a five-cat household.ECO-88 does the job on cat urineECO-88 does the job on cat urine55starsI've been using ECO-88 for several years and it has always worked to completely control cat urine odor which is essential in a five-cat household. -
Eco 88 Is The Best!
2020-07-21samanthaskaggsEco 88 is the best-kept secret for eliminating pet stains and odors. It works better than any other product we have tried. This seller delivered the product a day ahead of schedule! It is expensive but is so worth every penny as it will save your carpet. We learned about this product from a dog trainer and it's hard to impossible to find it in retail stores. Thankful to find it on Amazon!
Eco 88 Is The Best!Eco 88 Is The Best!55starsEco 88 is the best-kept secret for eliminating pet stains and odors. It works better than any other product we have tried. This seller delivered the product a day ahead of schedule! It is expensive but is so worth every penny as it will save your carpet. We learned about this product from a dog trainer and it's hard to impossible to find it in retail stores. Thankful to find it on Amazon!
Good for bed wetters
2020-07-08samanthaskaggsGreat for removal of stainsGood for bed wettersGood for bed wetters55starsGreat for removal of stains -
Gets Rid Of The Pet Odor Without Adding A Chemical Smell
2020-07-06samanthaskaggsI'll never use another product for pet messes. Not only does this clean up odors and stains without scrubbing, but it leaves behind no perfume odor chemical odor. It's like magic.
Gets Rid Of The Pet Odor Without Adding A Chemical SmellGets Rid Of The Pet Odor Without Adding A Chemical Smell55starsI'll never use another product for pet messes. Not only does this clean up odors and stains without scrubbing, but it leaves behind no perfume odor chemical odor. It's like magic.
Just buy it worth the money
2020-07-05samanthaskaggsI get this through my vet and it’s been a life saver. New white rug would have been ruined due to a very disgusting poop from my scared pup. Can’t tell that anything happened now. I’ve used it on urine stains and it eliminates them. Had some set blood on a mattress that this helped lighten it as well. Way better than anything else.Just buy it worth the moneyJust buy it worth the money55starsI get this through my vet and it’s been a life saver. New white rug would have been ruined due to a very disgusting poop from my scared pup. Can’t tell that anything happened now. I’ve used it on urine stains and it eliminates them. Had some set blood on a mattress that this helped lighten it as well. Way better than anything else. -
2020-06-29samanthaskaggsI totally thought the 'spray and forget it' instructions were bogus, but it works!! Great stuff. No scent, which is perfect. I use a citrus spray for the scent.
Wow!Wow!55starsI totally thought the 'spray and forget it' instructions were bogus, but it works!! Great stuff. No scent, which is perfect. I use a citrus spray for the scent.
This Stuff Works.
2020-06-21samanthaskaggsThis product is the best I've found for erasing pee stains and odors. This may be TMI, but it even takes puppy diarrhea poop out of white carpet.
This Stuff Works.This Stuff Works.55starsThis product is the best I've found for erasing pee stains and odors. This may be TMI, but it even takes puppy diarrhea poop out of white carpet.
Great Product
2020-06-18samanthaskaggsThis product is wonderful for pet messes of all kinds. Even works for spills on carpet and hardwood. Buying the large bottle was cost effective too.
Great ProductGreat Product55starsThis product is wonderful for pet messes of all kinds. Even works for spills on carpet and hardwood. Buying the large bottle was cost effective too.
Great product!
2020-06-12samanthaskaggsThis is our go to product for pet throw up, urine and Poop clean up. Easy to use and it REALLY WORKS!! Highly recommended.Great product!Great product!55starsThis is our go to product for pet throw up, urine and Poop clean up. Easy to use and it REALLY WORKS!! Highly recommended. -
Great Product!
2020-06-10samanthaskaggsHaving been in the pet industry most al my life, this product does the job better than any other I've tried. Pricing is right in line with all other of the same type product.
Great Product!Great Product!55starsHaving been in the pet industry most al my life, this product does the job better than any other I've tried. Pricing is right in line with all other of the same type product.
Real deal product that works
2020-06-02samanthaskaggsWorks great on pet stains and eliminates odorReal deal product that worksReal deal product that works55starsWorks great on pet stains and eliminates odor -
2020-05-28samanthaskaggsGreat!Great!55stars -
2020-05-27samanthaskaggsThere are not enough words to accurately depict how amazing this product is, and how grateful I am for its existence. I'm going on month 3 with my unaltered male foster cat (he can't be neutered right now due to Covid restrictions) and he has sprayed EVERYWHERE in my 3 year old home. I'm telling you - 4 to 5 times a day with this stank spray. It's horrible. But with Eco-88, I have SUCH peace of mind knowing that as soon as I catch it (or find it later, with the black light) it will be gone with nary a trace of sight or scent. It's a brilliant, easy-to-use product, and it is worth every penny. I started with the two smaller bottles and have now moved on to the gallon. As long as I have pets, I will never, ever be without it. If you're having this issue - don't hesitate to get this!!!!!
GAME CHANGERGAME CHANGER55starsThere are not enough words to accurately depict how amazing this product is, and how grateful I am for its existence. I'm going on month 3 with my unaltered male foster cat (he can't be neutered right now due to Covid restrictions) and he has sprayed EVERYWHERE in my 3 year old home. I'm telling you - 4 to 5 times a day with this stank spray. It's horrible. But with Eco-88, I have SUCH peace of mind knowing that as soon as I catch it (or find it later, with the black light) it will be gone with nary a trace of sight or scent. It's a brilliant, easy-to-use product, and it is worth every penny. I started with the two smaller bottles and have now moved on to the gallon. As long as I have pets, I will never, ever be without it. If you're having this issue - don't hesitate to get this!!!!!
Best product on market for pets on carpet
2020-05-09samanthaskaggsOnly product i recommend for house training a pet. Eliminates carpet stains and scent without any scrubbing. After using with multiple puppies over several years, this product never leaves a "hot spot odar" where dogs return to mark the same area again.
Best product on market for pets on carpetBest product on market for pets on carpet55starsOnly product i recommend for house training a pet. Eliminates carpet stains and scent without any scrubbing. After using with multiple puppies over several years, this product never leaves a "hot spot odar" where dogs return to mark the same area again.
ECO88 Is The Best!!
2020-04-30samanthaskaggsI find ECO88 is the best at removing cat vomit, fur balls, etc., for carpet. Just wipe off what you can, densely spray on ECO88 and cover with a towel. Check back at the end of the day. And your stain will be gone!!
ECO88 Is The Best!!ECO88 Is The Best!!55starsI find ECO88 is the best at removing cat vomit, fur balls, etc., for carpet. Just wipe off what you can, densely spray on ECO88 and cover with a towel. Check back at the end of the day. And your stain will be gone!!
2020-04-29samanthaskaggsI've used this several times and it works really well for removing pee and poop stains from our light beige shaggy carpet. Thankfully our dog has finally done with being potty trained!
Works!Works!55starsI've used this several times and it works really well for removing pee and poop stains from our light beige shaggy carpet. Thankfully our dog has finally done with being potty trained!
Have yet to find a stain that Eco-88 can’t eradicate.Mare Wheeler , Left on AmazonApril 29th, 2020
Have yet to find a stain that Eco-88 can’t eradicate.
2020-04-29samanthaskaggsThis product save sanity, animal life and carpet cleaners. Have yet to find a stain that it doesn't eradicate. Spilt wine on a beige carpet? Dog/cat accidents on a beige carpet? Muddy tracks on a beige carpet? Gone, gone, gone. I had old stains that nothing would touch. Gone! Get this. It works!
Have yet to find a stain that Eco-88 can’t eradicate.Have yet to find a stain that Eco-88 can’t eradicate.55starsThis product save sanity, animal life and carpet cleaners. Have yet to find a stain that it doesn't eradicate. Spilt wine on a beige carpet? Dog/cat accidents on a beige carpet? Muddy tracks on a beige carpet? Gone, gone, gone. I had old stains that nothing would touch. Gone! Get this. It works!
2020-04-19samanthaskaggsI've spent so much money on other "urine" cleaning products. I was always skeptical to spend so much on Eco 88 since I had been let down by every other cleaner known to man kind. This takes the stain away and leaves the carpet with absolutely NO urine scent. The product is quality, which is why its expensive.. because it ACTUALLY works.. way beyond my expectations.
ONLY URINE ODOR REMOVER THAT WORKSONLY URINE ODOR REMOVER THAT WORKS55starsI've spent so much money on other "urine" cleaning products. I was always skeptical to spend so much on Eco 88 since I had been let down by every other cleaner known to man kind. This takes the stain away and leaves the carpet with absolutely NO urine scent. The product is quality, which is why its expensive.. because it ACTUALLY works.. way beyond my expectations.
If You Have A Pet, You Need This.
2020-04-13samanthaskaggsThis is a great product. I use for pet accidents, but also for stains. Best carpet cleaner on the market.
If You Have A Pet, You Need This.If You Have A Pet, You Need This.55starsThis is a great product. I use for pet accidents, but also for stains. Best carpet cleaner on the market.
Worth Every Penny
2020-04-13samanthaskaggsWas this godawful expensive? Yes. But was it worth it? Absolutely. A cat got trapped in my daughter's room while she was at her dad's. Poop and pee EVERYWHERE. We used the whole gallon on her floor and the smell is completely gone. The stains are gone. It was so bad that I was going to rip up the carpet altogether and seriously considered just burning it all down. But now? It's saved! I do suggest wearing gloves though. It's itchy when it touches skin.
Worth Every PennyWorth Every Penny55starsWas this godawful expensive? Yes. But was it worth it? Absolutely. A cat got trapped in my daughter's room while she was at her dad's. Poop and pee EVERYWHERE. We used the whole gallon on her floor and the smell is completely gone. The stains are gone. It was so bad that I was going to rip up the carpet altogether and seriously considered just burning it all down. But now? It's saved! I do suggest wearing gloves though. It's itchy when it touches skin.
It works!
2020-04-11samanthaskaggsOutstanding! Our old dog has accidents on our rugs from time to time. After removing the solids, spray this and it will remove all stains. Same with urine.It works!It works!55starsOutstanding! Our old dog has accidents on our rugs from time to time. After removing the solids, spray this and it will remove all stains. Same with urine. -
Works Fast
2020-04-09samanthaskaggsSpray it on and the stain will disappear. Very easy to use.
Works FastWorks Fast55starsSpray it on and the stain will disappear. Very easy to use.
It Works!
2020-04-06samanthaskaggsWhether you have pets or not, Eco-88 Pet Stain and Odor Remover is a MUST HAVE! It's never failed me, and is truly a miracle product!
It Works!It Works!55starsWhether you have pets or not, Eco-88 Pet Stain and Odor Remover is a MUST HAVE! It's never failed me, and is truly a miracle product!
Wonderful Stain Removing Product
2020-04-06samanthaskaggsI have many pets and this product is fantastic with removing urine, food,, etc. stains out of fabric, carpet, etc. It is a natural enzymatic solution that works on all kinds of stains. This product arrived very quickly from the time I ordered it.
Wonderful Stain Removing ProductWonderful Stain Removing Product55starsI have many pets and this product is fantastic with removing urine, food,, etc. stains out of fabric, carpet, etc. It is a natural enzymatic solution that works on all kinds of stains. This product arrived very quickly from the time I ordered it.
Does what it says
2020-04-05samanthaskaggsAlways keep a bottle of this on hand. It's pricey but does what it says. Have used it on fabric stains too and it works but be sure to spot test first.Does what it saysDoes what it says55starsAlways keep a bottle of this on hand. It's pricey but does what it says. Have used it on fabric stains too and it works but be sure to spot test first. -
Must Have For Pet Accidents
2020-03-29samanthaskaggsI've been in rescue for about 11 years and have had over 30 foster dogs over that time. NOTHING works better. Also, for those who complain about it stinging on skin or turning skin white, it's like peroxide. Just calm down. No need to try to scrub your skin off, for goodness sake. Just wash your hands/skin if you get any on it. The white will go away soon after.
Must Have For Pet AccidentsMust Have For Pet Accidents55starsI've been in rescue for about 11 years and have had over 30 foster dogs over that time. NOTHING works better. Also, for those who complain about it stinging on skin or turning skin white, it's like peroxide. Just calm down. No need to try to scrub your skin off, for goodness sake. Just wash your hands/skin if you get any on it. The white will go away soon after.
Amazing Product!
2020-03-21samanthaskaggsAwesome product! I never thought stains would come out of carpet. This product is amazing.
Amazing Product!Amazing Product!55starsAwesome product! I never thought stains would come out of carpet. This product is amazing.
2020-03-21samanthaskaggsThis stuff is amazing! I found this at my vets office because the lady at the desk raves about it! So I thought I would give it a try. This stuff is no joke. Spray and go. No scrubbing! My dog had been sick with pancreatitis and had been sick on my carpet. I had used another brand from the grocery store and thought it did a good job. Well it didn't. So I sprayed Eco-88 and boom gone! No evidence of a stain even with thorough exam with a light. Gone!!! I will keep buying this because it WORKS!!!!!
Lifesaver!Lifesaver!55starsThis stuff is amazing! I found this at my vets office because the lady at the desk raves about it! So I thought I would give it a try. This stuff is no joke. Spray and go. No scrubbing! My dog had been sick with pancreatitis and had been sick on my carpet. I had used another brand from the grocery store and thought it did a good job. Well it didn't. So I sprayed Eco-88 and boom gone! No evidence of a stain even with thorough exam with a light. Gone!!! I will keep buying this because it WORKS!!!!!
This Works!
2020-03-21samanthaskaggsI have no idea why Eco-88 works so much better than all the other stain/smell removing products - and I think I've tried them all - but it really does. I've used it on my rug and on the bottom of my upholstered sofa and poof! all the yuckiness is gone. It doesn't leave its own gross smell behind nor does the original smell return. Worth the cost and I'm reordering!
This Works!This Works!55starsI have no idea why Eco-88 works so much better than all the other stain/smell removing products - and I think I've tried them all - but it really does. I've used it on my rug and on the bottom of my upholstered sofa and poof! all the yuckiness is gone. It doesn't leave its own gross smell behind nor does the original smell return. Worth the cost and I'm reordering!
Gods Gift To Pet Owners!
2020-03-11samanthaskaggsGreat for all kinds of stains not just pets!
Gods Gift To Pet Owners!Gods Gift To Pet Owners!55starsGreat for all kinds of stains not just pets!
2020-03-08samanthaskaggsThis product was recommended by one of my daughters, and oh my gosh, it really worked. I was very surprised as by the third day, there was NO-NON-, NOT ANY order left on the carpet. I used the ultra violet flash light, and you can see where other small stains are located, spray the product on, and the order, and stains are gone. Then a few days later I generally use my own carpet steam cleaner and that seals the deal.
BEST EVERBEST EVER55starsThis product was recommended by one of my daughters, and oh my gosh, it really worked. I was very surprised as by the third day, there was NO-NON-, NOT ANY order left on the carpet. I used the ultra violet flash light, and you can see where other small stains are located, spray the product on, and the order, and stains are gone. Then a few days later I generally use my own carpet steam cleaner and that seals the deal.
Works wonderful!
2020-02-23samanthaskaggsWorks great! Cleaned up dog vomit, no stain, no ring. Much better than other carpet cleaners I've used.Works wonderful!Works wonderful!55starsWorks great! Cleaned up dog vomit, no stain, no ring. Much better than other carpet cleaners I've used. -
Everyone Needs ECO88 In Their Stain Arsenal!Jacqueline Cardelino, Left on AmazonFebruary 18th, 2020
Everyone Needs ECO88 In Their Stain Arsenal!
2020-02-18samanthaskaggsThis stuff is great. Stains do not stand a chance. You just spray and walk away. It's amazing to see the "after" result.
Everyone Needs ECO88 In Their Stain Arsenal!Everyone Needs ECO88 In Their Stain Arsenal!55starsThis stuff is great. Stains do not stand a chance. You just spray and walk away. It's amazing to see the "after" result.
Amazing stain/odor remover
2020-02-14samanthaskaggsThe BEST stain and odor removal for pet urine. I have tried everything and nothing works like this does. A must have for pet owners!!Amazing stain/odor removerAmazing stain/odor remover55starsThe BEST stain and odor removal for pet urine. I have tried everything and nothing works like this does. A must have for pet owners!! -
Glad Someone Told Me About This!!
2020-02-01samanthaskaggsThis is so easy to use and works so well on many animal stains and odors. I was so satisfied with the way it worked that I ordered this gallon jug!
Glad Someone Told Me About This!!Glad Someone Told Me About This!!55starsThis is so easy to use and works so well on many animal stains and odors. I was so satisfied with the way it worked that I ordered this gallon jug!
Shockingly effective
2020-02-01samanthaskaggsIt really works. I was surprised after no other product worked. I needed a few applications on some areas but woohoo- no more odorsShockingly effectiveShockingly effective55starsIt really works. I was surprised after no other product worked. I needed a few applications on some areas but woohoo- no more odors -
“#1 PRODUCT IN OUR HOME” we have new carpet & with 4 puppies still looks/smells new!SHELLKD, Left on AmazonJanuary 31st, 2020
“#1 PRODUCT IN OUR HOME” we have new carpet & with 4 puppies still looks/smells new!
2020-01-31samanthaskaggsThe absolute ONLY product that COMPLETELY takes the smell away FOREVER!!! **as with any chemical make sure you dont leave on your hands or walk in the sprayed area barefoot.....you may feel a little uncomfortable stinging but goes away in 2 to 3 minutes!!!! I will continue to purchase ECO-88 as long as I have pets!!! Buy it!! You won't be able to live without it!!!“#1 PRODUCT IN OUR HOME” we have new carpet & with 4 puppies still looks/smells new!“#1 PRODUCT IN OUR HOME” we have new carpet & with 4 puppies still looks/smells new!55starsThe absolute ONLY product that COMPLETELY takes the smell away FOREVER!!! **as with any chemical make sure you dont leave on your hands or walk in the sprayed area barefoot.....you may feel a little uncomfortable stinging but goes away in 2 to 3 minutes!!!! I will continue to purchase ECO-88 as long as I have pets!!! Buy it!! You won't be able to live without it!!! -
Good to have on hand
2020-01-11samanthaskaggsWorks great and doesn’t smell weird like some pet cleaners do. We have a puppy so have used it quite a bit. I have used on laundry stains too.Good to have on handGood to have on hand55starsWorks great and doesn’t smell weird like some pet cleaners do. We have a puppy so have used it quite a bit. I have used on laundry stains too. -
Yes! Without A Doubt It Works.
2019-04-01jarrettAfter 30 years of trying every product on the market, (cat owner), every homemade concoction that I could find on the internet, (and ruining my carpet in spots in the process), my vet started carrying this product. It works.
It works so well in fact, that I tried it on an 8 year old stain left on my son's bed from his bed wetting years, and much to my amazement it worked! Some of the tougher spots on the mattress took more than one application, but seeing the initial results encouraged me to continue working with it until it was all gone. Amazing.
Now all of the drink spills, carpet pet accidents, stinky shoes, auto detailing and fabric freshening around the house is cleaned/done with this product. Btw... on the pet stains, if you are new to the process, you must either use enough product to soak down into the padding or you must pull up the carpet to spray the padding down. (Don't forget nearby walls, baseboards and concrete if the stain is old!). It...Yes! Without A Doubt It Works.Yes! Without A Doubt It Works.55starsAfter 30 years of trying every product on the market, (cat owner), every homemade concoction that I could find on the internet, (and ruining my carpet in spots in the process), my vet started carrying this product. It works.
It works so well in fact, that I tried it on an 8 year old stain left on my son's bed from his bed wetting years, and much to my amazement it worked! Some of the tougher spots on the mattress took more than one application, but seeing the initial results encouraged me to continue working with it until it was all gone. Amazing.
Now all of the drink spills, carpet pet accidents, stinky shoes, auto detailing and fabric freshening around the house is cleaned/done with this product. Btw... on the pet stains, if you are new to the process, you must either use enough product to soak down into the padding or you must pull up the carpet to spray the padding down. (Don't forget nearby walls, baseboards and concrete if the stain is old!). It... -
Magic In A Bottle
2019-03-28jarrettThis product is exactly what it says. I use it all the time, not just on my dog oders. Great on all stains!Magic In A BottleMagic In A Bottle55starsThis product is exactly what it says. I use it all the time, not just on my dog oders. Great on all stains! -
This amazing product is worth every penny. It doesn't take much to do the job. We have rescue dogs and at times one likes to mark the corner of my sofa, a few spritzes as of this amazing stuff and it's gone. No odor left behind. You will notice a faint smell at first before the product dries which I think is the enzymes working. After a few minutes nothing. I am highly allergic to chemicals and there Is no problem with this at all! Love it and recommend it to everyone I can. I have tried nature's miracle, urine no more, a whole list of things I can't remember and none of them worked like this.
This Amazing Product Is Worth Every Penny.
2019-03-28jarrettThis amazing product is worth every penny. It doesn't take much to do the job. We have rescue dogs and at times one likes to mark the corner of my sofa, a few spritzes as of this amazing stuff and it's gone. No odor left behind. You will notice a faint smell at first before the product dries which I think is the enzymes working. After a few minutes nothing. I am highly allergic to chemicals and there Is no problem with this at all! Love it and recommend it to everyone I can. I have tried nature's miracle, urine no more, a whole list of things I can't remember and none of them worked like this.This Amazing Product Is Worth Every Penny.This Amazing Product Is Worth Every Penny.55starsThis amazing product is worth every penny. It doesn't take much to do the job. We have rescue dogs and at times one likes to mark the corner of my sofa, a few spritzes as of this amazing stuff and it's gone. No odor left behind. You will notice a faint smell at first before the product dries which I think is the enzymes working. After a few minutes nothing. I am highly allergic to chemicals and there Is no problem with this at all! Love it and recommend it to everyone I can. I have tried nature's miracle, urine no more, a whole list of things I can't remember and none of them worked like this.It Is Better Than “All” Of The Others
2019-03-26jarrettIt is better than "all" of the others I had tried and used for a long time. I had a really bad (cat) carpet problem for years with limited success!
Eco -888 worked!! Odor Gone!!It Is Better Than “All” Of The OthersIt Is Better Than “All” Of The Others55starsIt is better than "all" of the others I had tried and used for a long time. I had a really bad (cat) carpet problem for years with limited success!
Eco -888 worked!! Odor Gone!!Worked Great for Us – Saved Our Mattress!
2019-03-25jarrettI've used this product for several months, but felt compelled to write a review after what happened the other day. We had removed the mattress cover from our guest bed and thrown it in the wash. Of course our puppy took this opportunity to puke in two different spots on the bare mattress top, leaving a couple of nasty stains. Feeling rather stupid and believing the mattress was pretty much ruined permanently as the stain had soaked in a bit, after cleaning up I sprayed some Eco-88 since I figured it couldn't hurt to try something. Left it for about 15 minutes and came back to a pristine white mattress without a trace of stain or odor! Unfortunately I didn't think to take a before/after picture as quite frankly I didn't have high hopes for removal of the stain.
This product had always worked well on our puppy's little messes during housebreaking, but I was really impressed with the job done on the mattress - the stains have vanished and I couldn't be more satisfied...Worked Great for Us – Saved Our Mattress!Worked Great for Us – Saved Our Mattress!55starsI've used this product for several months, but felt compelled to write a review after what happened the other day. We had removed the mattress cover from our guest bed and thrown it in the wash. Of course our puppy took this opportunity to puke in two different spots on the bare mattress top, leaving a couple of nasty stains. Feeling rather stupid and believing the mattress was pretty much ruined permanently as the stain had soaked in a bit, after cleaning up I sprayed some Eco-88 since I figured it couldn't hurt to try something. Left it for about 15 minutes and came back to a pristine white mattress without a trace of stain or odor! Unfortunately I didn't think to take a before/after picture as quite frankly I didn't have high hopes for removal of the stain.
This product had always worked well on our puppy's little messes during housebreaking, but I was really impressed with the job done on the mattress - the stains have vanished and I couldn't be more satisfied...Get This, Keep Clean
2019-03-25jarrettMy essential oil using and organic food buying (not that there’s anything wrong with that) mom is sold on this stuff. I tend toward skepticism, but she had me just try once on an odor I couldn’t get rid of and we saved a great shirt. Since then, I’ve cleaned up everything from animal urine to odorous grout (I hope that was safe) and everything looks and smells like new every time.
This is possibly the most important cleaning substance you will own.Get This, Keep CleanGet This, Keep Clean55starsMy essential oil using and organic food buying (not that there’s anything wrong with that) mom is sold on this stuff. I tend toward skepticism, but she had me just try once on an odor I couldn’t get rid of and we saved a great shirt. Since then, I’ve cleaned up everything from animal urine to odorous grout (I hope that was safe) and everything looks and smells like new every time.
This is possibly the most important cleaning substance you will own.I don't get the science behind this but it really does work by just spraying and walking away. I have an epileptic dog who frequently leaves urine, feces, and saliva spots on the carpet during seizures. This spray removes stains and odors very effectively. It isn't going to completely eliminate the smell from a full puddle of urine, but it is great for lighter spots or to use after you've blotted and scrubbed the spot with cleaner first. This will dissipate any remaining smell and stain. WARNING I learned the hard way do not use this on JUTE. It ruined my jute rug by bleaching it stark white, but it works great on my cotton and polyester rugs.Wonderful product
2019-03-25jarrettI don't get the science behind this but it really does work by just spraying and walking away. I have an epileptic dog who frequently leaves urine, feces, and saliva spots on the carpet during seizures. This spray removes stains and odors very effectively. It isn't going to completely eliminate the smell from a full puddle of urine, but it is great for lighter spots or to use after you've blotted and scrubbed the spot with cleaner first. This will dissipate any remaining smell and stain. WARNING I learned the hard way do not use this on JUTE. It ruined my jute rug by bleaching it stark white, but it works great on my cotton and polyester rugs.Wonderful productWonderful product55starsI don't get the science behind this but it really does work by just spraying and walking away. I have an epileptic dog who frequently leaves urine, feces, and saliva spots on the carpet during seizures. This spray removes stains and odors very effectively. It isn't going to completely eliminate the smell from a full puddle of urine, but it is great for lighter spots or to use after you've blotted and scrubbed the spot with cleaner first. This will dissipate any remaining smell and stain. WARNING I learned the hard way do not use this on JUTE. It ruined my jute rug by bleaching it stark white, but it works great on my cotton and polyester rugs.You really can spray and walk away!
2019-02-25jarrettI was skeptical but this stuff is awesome! Removed stains and odor from light colored carpet in no time at all.You really can spray and walk away!You really can spray and walk away!55starsI was skeptical but this stuff is awesome! Removed stains and odor from light colored carpet in no time at all.Great stuff!
2019-01-27jarrettSeems to be working like a charm!Great stuff!Great stuff!55starsSeems to be working like a charm!It’s Been a lifesaver !
2019-01-27jarrettHad a cat pooping outside of the litter box. Started using this and it’s been a lifesaver ! Great product. Highly recommendIt’s Been a lifesaver !It’s Been a lifesaver !55starsHad a cat pooping outside of the litter box. Started using this and it’s been a lifesaver ! Great product. Highly recommendExcellent Product!
2019-01-18jarrettI read the reviews on this product but they seemed hard to believe. It is all true! I sprayed it on pet stains and away they went from my carpet . I cannot praise it enough!Excellent Product!Excellent Product!55starsI read the reviews on this product but they seemed hard to believe. It is all true! I sprayed it on pet stains and away they went from my carpet . I cannot praise it enough!It Works Wonders On Stain And Oder Remover Without The Elbow GreaseJ Ryan, left on AmazonJanuary 11th, 2019It Works Wonders On Stain And Oder Remover Without The Elbow Grease
2019-01-11jarrettThis is the best pet stain remover on the market.It Works Wonders On Stain And Oder Remover Without The Elbow GreaseIt Works Wonders On Stain And Oder Remover Without The Elbow Grease55starsThis is the best pet stain remover on the market.GREAT PRODUCT!!
2019-01-11jarrettI have a sweet kitty who has peeing issues (from birth) and this stuff TRULY works. Knocks out the smell just like it claims and cat pee is SO hard to combat. Love this product!GREAT PRODUCT!!GREAT PRODUCT!!55starsI have a sweet kitty who has peeing issues (from birth) and this stuff TRULY works. Knocks out the smell just like it claims and cat pee is SO hard to combat. Love this product!Actually works as well as it claims!
2019-01-05jarrettWe have two cats and have tried SO many of these cleaners. They never work as good as they claim.... but this one does. It’s even worth the price because it actually does get the stains out, even some older ones. Love this stuff!Actually works as well as it claims!Actually works as well as it claims!55starsWe have two cats and have tried SO many of these cleaners. They never work as good as they claim.... but this one does. It’s even worth the price because it actually does get the stains out, even some older ones. Love this stuff!I Thought I Would be Evicted Because of The Stains!!Brittany Anderson, left on AmazonJanuary 3rd, 2019I Thought I Would be Evicted Because of The Stains!!
2019-01-03jarrettThis product saved not only my relationship with my roommate, but also my landlord! I got a puppy and she was sick with Giardia and having Diarrhea and urine accidents all over. The whole apartment smelled like warm pee and had poop stains. I had paid to have Stanley Steamer come out and treat every single carpet, the urine smell still persisted.
I tried EVERYTHING, then I found Eco-88, I WILL NEVER BUY ANYTHING ELSE! Amazing and truly doesn't require scrubbing - just saturate the carpet and you're good to go! LOVE IT!I Thought I Would be Evicted Because of The Stains!!I Thought I Would be Evicted Because of The Stains!!55starsThis product saved not only my relationship with my roommate, but also my landlord! I got a puppy and she was sick with Giardia and having Diarrhea and urine accidents all over. The whole apartment smelled like warm pee and had poop stains. I had paid to have Stanley Steamer come out and treat every single carpet, the urine smell still persisted.
I tried EVERYTHING, then I found Eco-88, I WILL NEVER BUY ANYTHING ELSE! Amazing and truly doesn't require scrubbing - just saturate the carpet and you're good to go! LOVE IT!Amazing Product!
2018-12-26jarrettThis stuff is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! I use it to get spills out of carpet and stains off of clothes. It works incredibly! I will NEVER be without a bottle.Amazing Product!Amazing Product!55starsThis stuff is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! I use it to get spills out of carpet and stains off of clothes. It works incredibly! I will NEVER be without a bottle.It Works!
2018-12-16jarrettI have a lot of rescue animals and therefore a lot of frightened cats/dogs when they initially come into my home. To keep my house and their areas clean and non-threatening I use this cleaner. It came highly recommended from my vet when I took in a cat that marked his territory. I tried it and awesome! Again, can only recommend it. From all the other commercial products and even home made ones, this one does the trick.It Works!It Works!55starsI have a lot of rescue animals and therefore a lot of frightened cats/dogs when they initially come into my home. To keep my house and their areas clean and non-threatening I use this cleaner. It came highly recommended from my vet when I took in a cat that marked his territory. I tried it and awesome! Again, can only recommend it. From all the other commercial products and even home made ones, this one does the trick.You Need to Use the Product as Soon as You Can
2018-12-09jarrettThis is an amazing product. I have used for years. It’s the only thing I have found that truly gets up pet messes like vomit, pee and diarrhea. You need to use the product as soon as you can though.You Need to Use the Product as Soon as You CanYou Need to Use the Product as Soon as You Can55starsThis is an amazing product. I have used for years. It’s the only thing I have found that truly gets up pet messes like vomit, pee and diarrhea. You need to use the product as soon as you can though.Cleans Spots On Anything And No More Smells
2018-12-03jarrettThey should rename it to eco-86!! Have 2 male dogs 2female cats both dogs mark and I’m not sure which cat does !! Eco 88 is the bomb! My house smells great and the stains are gone My one male was just diagnosed with Diabetes , he drinks a lot of water and can’t always make it to the door Eco-88 has been a lifesaver. Thanks for a great product !Cleans Spots On Anything And No More SmellsCleans Spots On Anything And No More Smells55starsThey should rename it to eco-86!! Have 2 male dogs 2female cats both dogs mark and I’m not sure which cat does !! Eco 88 is the bomb! My house smells great and the stains are gone My one male was just diagnosed with Diabetes , he drinks a lot of water and can’t always make it to the door Eco-88 has been a lifesaver. Thanks for a great product !Love This Product! Works Great
2018-11-29jarrettI foster for a rescue, so we frequently work with dogs that are working on potty training. I have been using Eco 88 on my rug and it has cleared up any accidents (stains AND any smell) without ruining the rug. I would highly recommend this cleaning product!Love This Product! Works GreatLove This Product! Works Great55starsI foster for a rescue, so we frequently work with dogs that are working on potty training. I have been using Eco 88 on my rug and it has cleared up any accidents (stains AND any smell) without ruining the rug. I would highly recommend this cleaning product!Great Product
2018-11-28jarrettI love that it does not have an odor and does a fabulous job of cleaning up pet messes.Great ProductGreat Product55starsI love that it does not have an odor and does a fabulous job of cleaning up pet messes.Product is SUPER
2018-11-27jarrettThis was not my 1st purchase of product. Sadly, when it arrived the handle and spray nozzle were shattered. But product itself worked great.Product is SUPERProduct is SUPER45starsThis was not my 1st purchase of product. Sadly, when it arrived the handle and spray nozzle were shattered. But product itself worked great.This Is A Must Buy For Your Baby Clothes!
2018-11-23jarrettMy sister recommended this for my baby clothes, and it is the best thing I have found! It gets out all of the organic matter, food and spills. It is amazing stuff! Obviously like any chemicals you need to keep it away from your baby. But when you’re just spring it on us staying in and watching with baby safe so, I think it is great!This Is A Must Buy For Your Baby Clothes!This Is A Must Buy For Your Baby Clothes!55starsMy sister recommended this for my baby clothes, and it is the best thing I have found! It gets out all of the organic matter, food and spills. It is amazing stuff! Obviously like any chemicals you need to keep it away from your baby. But when you’re just spring it on us staying in and watching with baby safe so, I think it is great!WORKS GREAT
2018-11-09jarrettA friend on mine spilled red wine on some white fabric in my home. After blotting it as best I could, I doused it with ECO-88. Within an hour, the red wine stain was entirely gone! This stuff is amazing.Works on Wine StainsWorks on Wine Stains55starsA friend on mine spilled red wine on some white fabric in my home. After blotting it as best I could, I doused it with ECO-88. Within an hour, the red wine stain was entirely gone! This stuff is amazing.Fast Delivery
2018-10-28jarrettUse this all the timeFast DeliveryFast Delivery55starsUse this all the timeWorks Great
2018-10-27jarrettI bought if for a stain on my carpet, not sure what it was but think it might be ink. It didn't work very well on that, though it doesn't say it takes out ink. I have however used it on clothing, sheets, and towels and it takes out lots of stains, even a stain that Oxy-clean didn't take care of.Works GreatWorks Great55starsI bought if for a stain on my carpet, not sure what it was but think it might be ink. It didn't work very well on that, though it doesn't say it takes out ink. I have however used it on clothing, sheets, and towels and it takes out lots of stains, even a stain that Oxy-clean didn't take care of.It’s A Miracle Spray
2018-10-11jarrettWorth the money, great at removing stains.It’s A Miracle SprayIt’s A Miracle Spray55starsWorth the money, great at removing stains.Fantastic Product
2018-10-09jarrettthis product is amazing how well it worksFantastic ProductFantastic Product55starsthis product is amazing how well it worksAmazing, Really!
2018-10-08jarrettThis product has no smell. Is simple to use. It works. I use it for carpets and upholstery.Amazing, Really!Amazing, Really!55starsThis product has no smell. Is simple to use. It works. I use it for carpets and upholstery.All Stains Gone
2018-10-04jarrettWorked great at removing stains on my mattress. My only concern is it says it is chemical free and safe but when it got on my hand while spraying it turned my skin white and very mildly stung like a chemical burn. Will only use if children are gone long enough for it to dry. Amazing stain removal.All Stains GoneAll Stains Gone55starsWorked great at removing stains on my mattress. My only concern is it says it is chemical free and safe but when it got on my hand while spraying it turned my skin white and very mildly stung like a chemical burn. Will only use if children are gone long enough for it to dry. Amazing stain removal.Absoulutely amazing!
2018-09-30jarrettHaving had a number of pets over the years, I can truly appreciate a good carpet stain/odor remover and after years of trying one after another, this is the one I've been using for over a year now and I will not be without it. I have two small dogs and that means occasional vomit, urine or feces stains, not to mention the various chew bones that leave crumbs. My littlest puppy has been very challenging when it comes to house training and she has put this spray to the test and it has passed every time. Usually I don't even have to sponge or scrub a spot, though I have to admit, I did have to sponge the spot in the attached picture -- which was a result of the puppy having a messy bottom after a bowel movement. I sprayed the spot, and about 10 minutes later I sponged it with a paper towel, sprayed it again, sponged it again, and honestly, I...Absoulutely amazing!Absoulutely amazing!55starsHaving had a number of pets over the years, I can truly appreciate a good carpet stain/odor remover and after years of trying one after another, this is the one I've been using for over a year now and I will not be without it. I have two small dogs and that means occasional vomit, urine or feces stains, not to mention the various chew bones that leave crumbs. My littlest puppy has been very challenging when it comes to house training and she has put this spray to the test and it has passed every time. Usually I don't even have to sponge or scrub a spot, though I have to admit, I did have to sponge the spot in the attached picture -- which was a result of the puppy having a messy bottom after a bowel movement. I sprayed the spot, and about 10 minutes later I sponged it with a paper towel, sprayed it again, sponged it again, and honestly, I...Worth the Money!
2018-09-29jarrettThis is a Great product!!!! We got a new puppy and this came in handy. No need to scrub. Just spray and walk away.Worth the Money!Worth the Money!55starsThis is a Great product!!!! We got a new puppy and this came in handy. No need to scrub. Just spray and walk away.The Best I’ve Ever Found!
2018-09-13jarrettYou can believe their ad - this product is the real deal. I have a closet full of stain & odor removers since my guys & gal are 'geriatric' according to my vet (they're still babies to me). This is the first product that as soon as I used it, the results were immediate & I turned around & ordered more. You can see the stain disappear in front of your eyes, there is no odor from the accident or the product itself & you don't have to go back to redo. It really is a great product that works!The Best I’ve Ever Found!The Best I’ve Ever Found!55starsYou can believe their ad - this product is the real deal. I have a closet full of stain & odor removers since my guys & gal are 'geriatric' according to my vet (they're still babies to me). This is the first product that as soon as I used it, the results were immediate & I turned around & ordered more. You can see the stain disappear in front of your eyes, there is no odor from the accident or the product itself & you don't have to go back to redo. It really is a great product that works!The Real Deal
2018-09-07jarrettI can’t seem to totally housebreak my two 6lb dogs. This stuff has saved my new carpets, it really works!The Real DealThe Real Deal55starsI can’t seem to totally housebreak my two 6lb dogs. This stuff has saved my new carpets, it really works!Produce Works Through Enzymes To Remove Stains And Odors.Kelley Baron, left on AmazonAugust 31st, 2018Produce Works Through Enzymes To Remove Stains And Odors.
2018-08-31jarrettGreat product and fast delivery.Produce Works Through Enzymes To Remove Stains And Odors.Produce Works Through Enzymes To Remove Stains And Odors.55starsGreat product and fast delivery.This Is The Best Stain Remover You’ll Ever Use
2018-08-30jarrettThis is the best stain remover you'll ever use. Works miracles on all pet stains. Even ones that have set in.This Is The Best Stain Remover You’ll Ever UseThis Is The Best Stain Remover You’ll Ever Use55starsThis is the best stain remover you'll ever use. Works miracles on all pet stains. Even ones that have set in.Sweet Home
2018-08-26jarrettI have two cats who hate each other’s ever loving guts. There’s lots of rivalry endjng with the horrid cat spray. This gets out the stink.Sweet HomeSweet Home55starsI have two cats who hate each other’s ever loving guts. There’s lots of rivalry endjng with the horrid cat spray. This gets out the stink.Love this product!
2018-08-16jarrettLove this product! Works great! Shipping was extremely fast. Thank you!Love this product!Love this product!55starsLove this product! Works great! Shipping was extremely fast. Thank you!Excellent Product
2018-08-05jarrettExcellent product. It is the first product I have used which actually removed pet urine stains!!!Excellent ProductExcellent Product55starsExcellent product. It is the first product I have used which actually removed pet urine stains!!!Best Pet Stain Remover
2018-08-05jarrettBest pet stain remover on market my vet recommended and he was rightBest Pet Stain RemoverBest Pet Stain Remover55starsBest pet stain remover on market my vet recommended and he was rightThis Product Works!
2018-08-04jarrettBest pet odor remover (cats and dogs) ever and I have tried them all. Just spray and walk away. Absolutely worth the price.This Product Works!This Product Works!55starsBest pet odor remover (cats and dogs) ever and I have tried them all. Just spray and walk away. Absolutely worth the price.This Stuff Works Wonders
2018-08-02jarrettThis stuff works wonders if you are having cat peeing issues. It chemically takes the smell out and I have yet to have it alter the color of a fabric.This Stuff Works WondersThis Stuff Works Wonders55starsThis stuff works wonders if you are having cat peeing issues. It chemically takes the smell out and I have yet to have it alter the color of a fabric.2018-07-27jarrett This is the best spot/stain remover I've ever had. It works on pet stains/odors, etc. It even took red wine out of a VERY expensive hand knotted Oriental rug that was mostly white and light colors.
Some stains may take more than one treatment but usually 2 at most.
Spray and SATURATE thoroughly.. don't scrub or rub.. just wet it and leave it.
I have used this on upholstery, rugs, carpeting, clothing, etc. for various 'organic' stains and it has worked every single time..
I have never tried to use it on oil or grease or paint .. I don't believe it's intended for that purpose so I can't expect success with that but as far as pet & wine & things like that.. it's the BEST !55starsThis is the best spot/stain remover I've ever had. It works on pet stains/odors, etc. It even took red wine out of a VERY expensive hand knotted Oriental rug that was mostly white and light colors.
Some stains may take more than one treatment but usually 2 at most.
Spray and SATURATE thoroughly.. don't scrub or rub.. just wet it and leave it.
I have used this on upholstery, rugs, carpeting, clothing, etc. for various 'organic' stains and it has worked every single time..
I have never tried to use it on oil or grease or paint .. I don't believe it's intended for that purpose so I can't expect success with that but as far as pet & wine & things like that.. it's the BEST !Very Happy!
2018-07-25jarrettI could not believe the stains that it got out! Very happy!Very Happy!Very Happy!55starsI could not believe the stains that it got out! Very happy!Awesome!!
2018-07-17jarrettAwesome product!!Awesome!!Awesome!!55starsAwesome product!!Absolutely Amazing!
2018-07-15jarrettI used Eco 88 on urine, old and new. No scrubbing! I even used it on unknown stains and it worked. Love this stuff. It's a staple in my house!Absolutely Amazing!Absolutely Amazing!55starsI used Eco 88 on urine, old and new. No scrubbing! I even used it on unknown stains and it worked. Love this stuff. It's a staple in my house!Best Out There And I Have Tried Everything.
2018-07-06jarrettAmazing product. I used every product recommended at petsmart and petco and everything failed. I had a professional company come out and clean my carpet with boiling water, chemicals, and heavy suction and the stains remained. I soaked the stain in medical peroxide. I used a mixture of soap and baking soda to scrub. That didn’t work so I poured on medical alcohol. I scrubbed and soaked with hot vinegar. I poured boiling water with dawn mixed in. I even poured diluted bleach water on my carpet and used a heavy duty professional carpet cleaner to suck out the water each time. Each time the sticky stain remained or resurfaced.
This product reminds me of a heavy duty peroxide. When you spray you can see exactly where the “organic” stain is because it bubbles up. You just spray and walk away. Within a few minutes the stain lightens and the foam goes away. If you have a really bad stain, scrubbing won’t hurt. Typically once the spray dries the stain will be gone or sign...Best Out There And I Have Tried Everything.Best Out There And I Have Tried Everything.55starsAmazing product. I used every product recommended at petsmart and petco and everything failed. I had a professional company come out and clean my carpet with boiling water, chemicals, and heavy suction and the stains remained. I soaked the stain in medical peroxide. I used a mixture of soap and baking soda to scrub. That didn’t work so I poured on medical alcohol. I scrubbed and soaked with hot vinegar. I poured boiling water with dawn mixed in. I even poured diluted bleach water on my carpet and used a heavy duty professional carpet cleaner to suck out the water each time. Each time the sticky stain remained or resurfaced.
This product reminds me of a heavy duty peroxide. When you spray you can see exactly where the “organic” stain is because it bubbles up. You just spray and walk away. Within a few minutes the stain lightens and the foam goes away. If you have a really bad stain, scrubbing won’t hurt. Typically once the spray dries the stain will be gone or sign...Great Service And It Works
2018-07-04jarrettThis was recommended by out vet. It works better than any other product I have used for eliminating pet odors from furniture and moreGreat Service And It WorksGreat Service And It Works55starsThis was recommended by out vet. It works better than any other product I have used for eliminating pet odors from furniture and moreGreat Product!
2018-06-26jarrettGreat product! Takes away stain and odor with little effort.Great Product!Great Product!55starsGreat product! Takes away stain and odor with little effort.Effective and Easy to Use
2018-06-25jarrettIt’s great because you don’t have to scrub - you just saturate the stain and it lifts out.Effective and Easy to UseEffective and Easy to Use55starsIt’s great because you don’t have to scrub - you just saturate the stain and it lifts out.Like Magic!
2018-06-21jarrettWorks like magic. Best stain remover I've EVER seen! My husband spilled something black (ink?) on our white carpet in a closet. I blotted, sprayed Eco-88, left it for an hour plus while we went to meeting. I laid a rag sprayed with Eco-88 over the stain. When we came back, it was GONE!Like Magic!Like Magic!55starsWorks like magic. Best stain remover I've EVER seen! My husband spilled something black (ink?) on our white carpet in a closet. I blotted, sprayed Eco-88, left it for an hour plus while we went to meeting. I laid a rag sprayed with Eco-88 over the stain. When we came back, it was GONE!BEST STAIN and ODOR REMOVER PERIOD!
2018-06-17jarrettI typically do not write reviews but I have to let EVERYONE know about this AMAZING product. This is hands-down the best stain and odor remover you can buy. Do not waste your money on other products. I have tried them all they do not work. I have been using this stuff for years, buy it by the gallon, and recommend it to everyone. I use it on a variety of pet stains. I have two 80 pound dogs. So when they make a mess, they make a mess. It removes the stains and odors completely without any scrubbing or multiple applications of the product. Please see the before and after pics for proof. I cannot stress enough how great this product is. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ELSEWHERE!BEST STAIN and ODOR REMOVER PERIOD!BEST STAIN and ODOR REMOVER PERIOD!55starsI typically do not write reviews but I have to let EVERYONE know about this AMAZING product. This is hands-down the best stain and odor remover you can buy. Do not waste your money on other products. I have tried them all they do not work. I have been using this stuff for years, buy it by the gallon, and recommend it to everyone. I use it on a variety of pet stains. I have two 80 pound dogs. So when they make a mess, they make a mess. It removes the stains and odors completely without any scrubbing or multiple applications of the product. Please see the before and after pics for proof. I cannot stress enough how great this product is. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ELSEWHERE!I Have Used Nothing Else Since I Purchased it
2018-05-31jarrettI don't need to use this every day, thank goodness, but it is great on pet "accidents". A lady who owns a boarding/grooming facility told me about it and I have used nothing else since I purchased it. No scrubbing. Just spray it on the spot and a little later it is gone in most cases. Sometimes I have had to use it twice, but not many.I Have Used Nothing Else Since I Purchased itI Have Used Nothing Else Since I Purchased it55starsI don't need to use this every day, thank goodness, but it is great on pet "accidents". A lady who owns a boarding/grooming facility told me about it and I have used nothing else since I purchased it. No scrubbing. Just spray it on the spot and a little later it is gone in most cases. Sometimes I have had to use it twice, but not many.Best Way to Get Rid of Pee Stains and Smells
2018-05-18jarrettI have bought this numerous times. The sprayer can be adjusted to a mist or a stream. This product has saved my carpet from dog pee from an old dog. I had a pretty sizable area on my living room floor that had been cleaned over and over by me using every commercial carpet cleaner product, several types of home rug shampooers, every Pinterest miracle carpet cleaning recipe, several professional carpet companies, even peroxide and diluted bleach. Nothing would eliminate the spot or the odor. This product was sprayed directly on the carpet several times and on the underside of the carpet and on the pad. (When it contacts a stain if foams up like peroxide would- I wonder if this is peroxide based?) Anyway the stain and odor is completely gone along with several other pet stains. It also gets out other stains, but pee is the main thing I have used it for. I have noticed it doesn’t really clean stains from markers, paint, dye, etc, but is IDEAL for pet stains and most any organic st...
Best Way to Get Rid of Pee Stains and SmellsBest Way to Get Rid of Pee Stains and Smells55starsI have bought this numerous times. The sprayer can be adjusted to a mist or a stream. This product has saved my carpet from dog pee from an old dog. I had a pretty sizable area on my living room floor that had been cleaned over and over by me using every commercial carpet cleaner product, several types of home rug shampooers, every Pinterest miracle carpet cleaning recipe, several professional carpet companies, even peroxide and diluted bleach. Nothing would eliminate the spot or the odor. This product was sprayed directly on the carpet several times and on the underside of the carpet and on the pad. (When it contacts a stain if foams up like peroxide would- I wonder if this is peroxide based?) Anyway the stain and odor is completely gone along with several other pet stains. It also gets out other stains, but pee is the main thing I have used it for. I have noticed it doesn’t really clean stains from markers, paint, dye, etc, but is IDEAL for pet stains and most any organic st...
Urine and Odor Be Gone
2018-04-25jarrettThis product is awesome. I use it often to address cat and dog urine on my furniture. I haven’t found any other product that works to eliminate odor and stains like this one.Urine and Odor Be GoneUrine and Odor Be Gone55starsThis product is awesome. I use it often to address cat and dog urine on my furniture. I haven’t found any other product that works to eliminate odor and stains like this one.Can’t Live Without It.
2018-04-18jarrettBest pet urine remover I have ever used. I highly recommend it. A must have at home if you own a pet. It removes odor and stains without scrubbing.Can’t Live Without It.Can’t Live Without It.55starsBest pet urine remover I have ever used. I highly recommend it. A must have at home if you own a pet. It removes odor and stains without scrubbing.Fantastic Product
2018-04-02jarrettI see reviews about this product that are negative and say that it doesn't work and I wonder if those people work for competitors. I have been using it for several years now with two dogs, one is a puppy and she has been doing her business all over our new carpet. I use this on every stain and it works miracles. I have used it on pee, poo, and vomit and it works every time. I have had to use a carpet cleaner to fully remove some of the poo stains but this broke them down and made them much easier to deal with.Fantastic ProductFantastic Product55starsI see reviews about this product that are negative and say that it doesn't work and I wonder if those people work for competitors. I have been using it for several years now with two dogs, one is a puppy and she has been doing her business all over our new carpet. I use this on every stain and it works miracles. I have used it on pee, poo, and vomit and it works every time. I have had to use a carpet cleaner to fully remove some of the poo stains but this broke them down and made them much easier to deal with.Better to Catch Early But Still Worked
2018-04-01jarrettIt removes stains and pee scent. Better to catch early but still worked. I used in my car when grandbaby dropped milk. Remove that horrible vomit smell. Also works on clothes for chocolate. Purchased two bottles afterwards.Better to Catch Early But Still WorkedBetter to Catch Early But Still Worked55starsIt removes stains and pee scent. Better to catch early but still worked. I used in my car when grandbaby dropped milk. Remove that horrible vomit smell. Also works on clothes for chocolate. Purchased two bottles afterwards.5 Stars
2018-03-31jarrettThis product works great.5 Stars5 Stars55starsThis product works great.Works Right Away! Best Cat Pee Cleaner! Works For Other Bio Messes Also!Crystal Thronesbery, left on AmazonMarch 12th, 2018Works Right Away! Best Cat Pee Cleaner! Works For Other Bio Messes Also!
2018-03-12jarrettI fell in love with this product after trying it out on new and old stains. Unlike an enzyme cleaner this one doesn't matter if you have already tried other cleaners. Even if you don't follow the directions right the first time it still works really well. I use it to clean any biological mess....i.e. my cat with a uti, my potty training toddler who had an accident, or vomit stain from human or animal that got sick. I will temporarily turn your fingers a little white if you don't wear gloves but nothing that won't resolve itself within a day or less. We had a hard time believing at first that it would work so well without us having to scrub or brush the stains out (follow instructions on bottle and be amazed). There were even times I couldn't tell where the cat had gone just knew it was somewhere in a 6ft section of the room, I was able to...Works Right Away! Best Cat Pee Cleaner! Works For Other Bio Messes Also!Works Right Away! Best Cat Pee Cleaner! Works For Other Bio Messes Also!55starsI fell in love with this product after trying it out on new and old stains. Unlike an enzyme cleaner this one doesn't matter if you have already tried other cleaners. Even if you don't follow the directions right the first time it still works really well. I use it to clean any biological mess....i.e. my cat with a uti, my potty training toddler who had an accident, or vomit stain from human or animal that got sick. I will temporarily turn your fingers a little white if you don't wear gloves but nothing that won't resolve itself within a day or less. We had a hard time believing at first that it would work so well without us having to scrub or brush the stains out (follow instructions on bottle and be amazed). There were even times I couldn't tell where the cat had gone just knew it was somewhere in a 6ft section of the room, I was able to...So Easy and Effective, A Teenager Can Use It
2018-03-07jarrettBought this on my sister's recommendation to deal with potential puppy accidents and upset stomach issues that come with owning dogs. Our guy trained really quickly so we actually ended up not needing to use this right away and it sat on the shelf for a couple of months. Afterwards, while my wife and I were out of town for a few days, our younger son called in a panic to tell us that the now 75lb dog had a massive and very liquid diarrhea attack on one of our oriental rugs. We told him to first clean up and blot up what he could and then get this stuff out from the laundry room. Progress reports from our son were encouraging, but we'd pretty much resigned ourselves to scrapping the rug or paying half as much as it originally cost to have it professionally cleaned to try and save it. As we started our return trip home, our son reported tha...So Easy and Effective, A Teenager Can Use ItSo Easy and Effective, A Teenager Can Use It55starsBought this on my sister's recommendation to deal with potential puppy accidents and upset stomach issues that come with owning dogs. Our guy trained really quickly so we actually ended up not needing to use this right away and it sat on the shelf for a couple of months. Afterwards, while my wife and I were out of town for a few days, our younger son called in a panic to tell us that the now 75lb dog had a massive and very liquid diarrhea attack on one of our oriental rugs. We told him to first clean up and blot up what he could and then get this stuff out from the laundry room. Progress reports from our son were encouraging, but we'd pretty much resigned ourselves to scrapping the rug or paying half as much as it originally cost to have it professionally cleaned to try and save it. As we started our return trip home, our son reported tha...Smell Gone in Like 4 Seconds
2018-03-01jarrettMy dog peed in our guest room. Smell was horrible. I tried at least 4 different products plus a home remedy online. They got the stain out but the smell was still obvious. A friend recommended Nature's Miracle, but I did some research and it looks like they changed the formula. I found this Eco stuff on a top 10 pet stain removers list online. Just came in today, so I tried it out. The smell was gone in seconds. Unreal. I'll have to wait for the weather to change to see if that deeper smell is still there but for now I cannot even tell there was a pee spot in that room<...Smell Gone in Like 4 SecondsSmell Gone in Like 4 Seconds55starsMy dog peed in our guest room. Smell was horrible. I tried at least 4 different products plus a home remedy online. They got the stain out but the smell was still obvious. A friend recommended Nature's Miracle, but I did some research and it looks like they changed the formula. I found this Eco stuff on a top 10 pet stain removers list online. Just came in today, so I tried it out. The smell was gone in seconds. Unreal. I'll have to wait for the weather to change to see if that deeper smell is still there but for now I cannot even tell there was a pee spot in that room<...Best Dog Spray!
2018-02-27jarrettBest dog spray on the market if you get any on your hands make sure you wash them it's the only thing that works for usBest Dog Spray!Best Dog Spray!55starsBest dog spray on the market if you get any on your hands make sure you wash them it's the only thing that works for usThis Stuff Actually Works!
2018-02-27jarrettThis stuff actually works! A coworker told me about it and I was reluctant to spend 25 bucks on this but it works and is well worth the money! I have used it on my new couch. My cat had bladder surgery and peed every time he jumped ☹️ Thankfully he is better and hasn't marked the couch any more since!This Stuff Actually Works!This Stuff Actually Works!55starsThis stuff actually works! A coworker told me about it and I was reluctant to spend 25 bucks on this but it works and is well worth the money! I have used it on my new couch. My cat had bladder surgery and peed every time he jumped ☹️ Thankfully he is better and hasn't marked the couch any more since!The Best Product Ever!!
2018-02-27jarrettI originally bought the spray bottle from my vet and could not believe how great this stuff was. Potty training has truly been a breeze and I know it’s because of this stuff!! This stuff gets the smell out and actually kills the bacteria. You can use it to treat accidents as well as spray it on furniture. Can’t recommend this enough for puppy owners. Or even adult dog owners to get rid of the “dog” smell on the couch or their bed.
The Best Product Ever!!The Best Product Ever!!55starsI originally bought the spray bottle from my vet and could not believe how great this stuff was. Potty training has truly been a breeze and I know it’s because of this stuff!! This stuff gets the smell out and actually kills the bacteria. You can use it to treat accidents as well as spray it on furniture. Can’t recommend this enough for puppy owners. Or even adult dog owners to get rid of the “dog” smell on the couch or their bed.
Best Product I Have Ever Used
2018-02-20jarrettI would give 10 stars if I could. Best product I have ever used. I have sprayed it on my fabric couch when my fur babies decided to go on it. It gets rid of the stain and the urine smell. I love the fact that this liquid is oderless.Best Product I Have Ever UsedBest Product I Have Ever Used55starsI would give 10 stars if I could. Best product I have ever used. I have sprayed it on my fabric couch when my fur babies decided to go on it. It gets rid of the stain and the urine smell. I love the fact that this liquid is oderless.Best Stuff Out There Bar None
2018-02-15jarrettBest stuff out there bar none! Totally gets rid of smells (pee and poo). Our pup is not potty trained and we have no smells at all anywhere. All due to this product. Glad I saw at Legacy Vet in Frisco, Texas.Best Stuff Out There Bar NoneBest Stuff Out There Bar None55starsBest stuff out there bar none! Totally gets rid of smells (pee and poo). Our pup is not potty trained and we have no smells at all anywhere. All due to this product. Glad I saw at Legacy Vet in Frisco, Texas.Love It! Been Using This For Years!
2018-02-13jarrettThis stuff works like magic in removing urine stains and smells. (Also works well in removing blood stains in fabric.)Love It! Been Using This For Years!Love It! Been Using This For Years!55starsThis stuff works like magic in removing urine stains and smells. (Also works well in removing blood stains in fabric.)This Product is Far Superior to Anything Else I Have Used!Stacey, left on AmazonFebruary 12th, 2018This Product is Far Superior to Anything Else I Have Used!
2018-02-12jarrettI volunteer for the 3rd largest dog rescue in Dallas, this was recommended to me by the rescue group. I have fostered 13 dogs in the past 7 months and this product is far superior to anything else I have used! So far, for every stain I have used it on, both the stain and the smell are gone, including old stains.This Product is Far Superior to Anything Else I Have Used!This Product is Far Superior to Anything Else I Have Used!55starsI volunteer for the 3rd largest dog rescue in Dallas, this was recommended to me by the rescue group. I have fostered 13 dogs in the past 7 months and this product is far superior to anything else I have used! So far, for every stain I have used it on, both the stain and the smell are gone, including old stains.Wonder Product!
2018-02-10jarrettI cannot say enough good things about this product. Nothing else has come close to Eco-88, and I have tried them all. Wish it was a little less expensive, but no matter. I have three dogs of my own, and I have fostered many others. Have you have ever experienced diarrhea a from a dog who was recently dewormed, ugh? Well, ECO-88 not only removed the odor, it removed the nasty stain in less than 5-10 minutes. It works best when you completely soak the stain and allow it to dry ... no blotting. It makes sense because urine soaks into the carpet and the pad, so soaking the area with EC-88 allows it to reach the pad as well. On more recent stains, I will agitate the area a little with a clean cloth. And while it won't hurt your skin, be sure to wash your hands if it gets on your hands. It will make white marks on skin, not sure exactly why, an...Wonder Product!Wonder Product!55starsI cannot say enough good things about this product. Nothing else has come close to Eco-88, and I have tried them all. Wish it was a little less expensive, but no matter. I have three dogs of my own, and I have fostered many others. Have you have ever experienced diarrhea a from a dog who was recently dewormed, ugh? Well, ECO-88 not only removed the odor, it removed the nasty stain in less than 5-10 minutes. It works best when you completely soak the stain and allow it to dry ... no blotting. It makes sense because urine soaks into the carpet and the pad, so soaking the area with EC-88 allows it to reach the pad as well. On more recent stains, I will agitate the area a little with a clean cloth. And while it won't hurt your skin, be sure to wash your hands if it gets on your hands. It will make white marks on skin, not sure exactly why, an...Works Great For Getting Rid Of Kitty Urine
2018-01-30jarrettThis product works great for getting rid of kitty urine smells. I highly recommend. I have sprayed on carpet, bedding, etc. and it does the trick.
Works Great For Getting Rid Of Kitty UrineWorks Great For Getting Rid Of Kitty Urine55starsThis product works great for getting rid of kitty urine smells. I highly recommend. I have sprayed on carpet, bedding, etc. and it does the trick.
Nut Up And Buy This If The Dogs Pukes, Pees, or Poops
2018-01-22jarrettAgain, don't waste your money on the Natures Miracle and others that claim to eliminate odors/stains. Nut up and buy this if the dogs pukes, pees, or poops on the carpet. I have even used in on hardwood floors to eliminate odors that have been in my rental houses for longer duration. This ECO-88 works. My wife is a Veterinarian and this is what she recommends.Nut Up And Buy This If The Dogs Pukes, Pees, or PoopsNut Up And Buy This If The Dogs Pukes, Pees, or Poops55starsAgain, don't waste your money on the Natures Miracle and others that claim to eliminate odors/stains. Nut up and buy this if the dogs pukes, pees, or poops on the carpet. I have even used in on hardwood floors to eliminate odors that have been in my rental houses for longer duration. This ECO-88 works. My wife is a Veterinarian and this is what she recommends.Best I’ve Ever Used.
2018-01-11jarrettGreat stuff! Works best if urine is first blotted up.Best I’ve Ever Used.Best I’ve Ever Used.55starsGreat stuff! Works best if urine is first blotted up.Best I’ve Found In This Category!
2018-01-02jarrettWorks great to instantly remove a mark left behind by my cat. Have not seen a product that works with this amount of ease.Best I’ve Found In This Category!Best I’ve Found In This Category!55starsWorks great to instantly remove a mark left behind by my cat. Have not seen a product that works with this amount of ease.Works Better Than Expected
2018-01-01jarrettWorks better than expected. It even took out some old stains in my carpetWorks Better Than ExpectedWorks Better Than Expected55starsWorks better than expected. It even took out some old stains in my carpetFive Stars
2017-12-31jarrettThis works just like advertisedFive StarsFive Stars55starsThis works just like advertisedAmazing Product!
2017-12-16jarrettThis is a perfect product for that pet urine spell on the carpet . Amazing product !Amazing Product!Amazing Product!55starsThis is a perfect product for that pet urine spell on the carpet . Amazing product !WONDERFUL …..MAGICAL
2017-12-11jarrettWONDERFUL .....MAGICAL .....takes away the stain and makes it disappear. I have NO idea how. Much better than what I was using before. Its expensive but extremely worth while.WONDERFUL …..MAGICALWONDERFUL …..MAGICAL55starsWONDERFUL .....MAGICAL .....takes away the stain and makes it disappear. I have NO idea how. Much better than what I was using before. Its expensive but extremely worth while.2017-12-01jarrett Everything was great about this product it did exactly what it said it would just spray-on and simply walk away stains are gone before your eyes55starsEverything was great about this product it did exactly what it said it would just spray-on and simply walk away stains are gone before your eyesGreat Weapon For Combating Fur Baby Accidents
2017-11-22jarrettWonderful product. Worked really well at getting cat urine out of my carpet after a UTI. Came highly recommended from my Vet!Great Weapon For Combating Fur Baby AccidentsGreat Weapon For Combating Fur Baby Accidents55starsWonderful product. Worked really well at getting cat urine out of my carpet after a UTI. Came highly recommended from my Vet!Great Product
2017-11-18jarrettPurchased several times. Love this product. Works just as it says. Have recommended it to many friends and family members. Will continue to buy.Great ProductGreat Product55starsPurchased several times. Love this product. Works just as it says. Have recommended it to many friends and family members. Will continue to buy.Best Product Of Its Kind
2017-11-13jarrettThis is the best product of its kind that I've ever used. It got rid of some very persistent cat odors.Best Product Of Its KindBest Product Of Its Kind55starsThis is the best product of its kind that I've ever used. It got rid of some very persistent cat odors.Eco-88 is the best — worth every penny!
2017-11-10jarrettEco-88 is the best cleaner I have found -- it is safe to be used around people & pets. It has NO odor at all -- either while spraying & using, or after you are done. It almost "dissolves" stains and messes (like vomit, urine, pet feces, etc.) -- I spray it on and leave it for several minutes and when you wipe it up, it literally takes EVERYTHING up. I also like the fact that when it dries, there is no weird, tacky feeling to the surfaces you just cleaned -- all you can feel is the surface! -- no residue.Eco-88 is the best — worth every penny!Eco-88 is the best — worth every penny!55starsEco-88 is the best cleaner I have found -- it is safe to be used around people & pets. It has NO odor at all -- either while spraying & using, or after you are done. It almost "dissolves" stains and messes (like vomit, urine, pet feces, etc.) -- I spray it on and leave it for several minutes and when you wipe it up, it literally takes EVERYTHING up. I also like the fact that when it dries, there is no weird, tacky feeling to the surfaces you just cleaned -- all you can feel is the surface! -- no residue.Highly Recommended
2017-11-04jarrettLet me preface this with the fact that I don't write too many reviews. Yet, I'm compelled to do so thanks to this product.
I'm the proud papa of a couple of Rottweilers; one of whom is a senior and she just can't hold it in like she used to. Overnight while I'm asleep, she'll have tiny accidents on the living room rug - which is a light grey. She's not one to let it ALL go - she's a smart girl and knows not to - but just being older, sometimes she needs to let A LITTLE go.
Let me simply say - this stuff is amazing. It got rid of old stains and new - with no more effort required than spraying. In many years of owning dogs and cleaning up accidents, I've NEVER seen anything work so well at picking up the gifts our little buddies can leave for us.Highly RecommendedHighly Recommended55starsLet me preface this with the fact that I don't write too many reviews. Yet, I'm compelled to do so thanks to this product.
I'm the proud papa of a couple of Rottweilers; one of whom is a senior and she just can't hold it in like she used to. Overnight while I'm asleep, she'll have tiny accidents on the living room rug - which is a light grey. She's not one to let it ALL go - she's a smart girl and knows not to - but just being older, sometimes she needs to let A LITTLE go.
Let me simply say - this stuff is amazing. It got rid of old stains and new - with no more effort required than spraying. In many years of owning dogs and cleaning up accidents, I've NEVER seen anything work so well at picking up the gifts our little buddies can leave for us.Love This Stuff
2017-10-16jarrettLove this stuff! Originally got some when I got my puppy from the shelter they sell it there too. Same price either way. I have gotten it on my hands and clothes and it hasn't hurt my clothes or me at all. I have gotten spaghetti stains, dog pee, dog diarrhea and my daughter who is potty training has gone on the floor and bed and cleaned that up. Takes away the odor and the stains come right up. I had tried shampooing and it did not take that up. Yes price is a bit high but considering how long it lasts it is well worth it.Love This StuffLove This Stuff55starsLove this stuff! Originally got some when I got my puppy from the shelter they sell it there too. Same price either way. I have gotten it on my hands and clothes and it hasn't hurt my clothes or me at all. I have gotten spaghetti stains, dog pee, dog diarrhea and my daughter who is potty training has gone on the floor and bed and cleaned that up. Takes away the odor and the stains come right up. I had tried shampooing and it did not take that up. Yes price is a bit high but considering how long it lasts it is well worth it.Could I Give More Than 5 Stars?
2017-10-02jarrettThis stuff is so wonderful! You could find an old stain, spray it, and then it's magically gone. I have beige carpet and can spray this and a stain will disappear. I have a 9 year old dog with a bladder issue and this stuff has been a life saver. Buy this for pet stains and odors, you will not be sorry, I've tried a million things and this is by far the best.Could I Give More Than 5 Stars?Could I Give More Than 5 Stars?55starsThis stuff is so wonderful! You could find an old stain, spray it, and then it's magically gone. I have beige carpet and can spray this and a stain will disappear. I have a 9 year old dog with a bladder issue and this stuff has been a life saver. Buy this for pet stains and odors, you will not be sorry, I've tried a million things and this is by far the best.Lifesaver
2017-09-21jarrettIt's amazing how good it works. It's a lifesaver.LifesaverLifesaver55starsIt's amazing how good it works. It's a lifesaver.Liquid Gold!
2017-09-17jarrettThis stuff is pure liquid gold! Will not ever use anything else!Liquid Gold!Liquid Gold!55starsThis stuff is pure liquid gold! Will not ever use anything else!Great Cleaner
2017-09-09jarrettOur dog is not well house trained so we rely on this stuff, It does a great job on removing stains and oders from the carpet.Great CleanerGreat Cleaner55starsOur dog is not well house trained so we rely on this stuff, It does a great job on removing stains and oders from the carpet.Five Stars
2017-09-04jarrettHave NEVER found anything that works this well.Five StarsFive Stars55starsHave NEVER found anything that works this well.Wonderful Product!
2017-08-18jarrettWonderful product! Does everything it says it will do and more. Will buy again .Wonderful Product!Wonderful Product!55starsWonderful product! Does everything it says it will do and more. Will buy again .The Best Product For Getting ALL Pet Smells Out
2017-08-17jarrettThe best product for getting ALL pet smells out. Seriously, if you're thinking you need to burn your couch because your cat peed on it, put the matches away and grab this bottle. I've told all my friends and they agree.The Best Product For Getting ALL Pet Smells OutThe Best Product For Getting ALL Pet Smells Out55starsThe best product for getting ALL pet smells out. Seriously, if you're thinking you need to burn your couch because your cat peed on it, put the matches away and grab this bottle. I've told all my friends and they agree.IT WORKS
2017-08-16jarrettIt WORKS!!!!! seriously, just dry spot, spray and walk away. If it's dried before you find the stain, you may need to do more than once
Sooo glad we found this.IT WORKSIT WORKS55starsIt WORKS!!!!! seriously, just dry spot, spray and walk away. If it's dried before you find the stain, you may need to do more than once
Sooo glad we found this.Great Product For Pet Owners
2017-08-07jarretti love this stuff. Works great on all pet odors, even cat pee! As always, Amazon came through with super fast shippingGreat Product For Pet OwnersGreat Product For Pet Owners55starsi love this stuff. Works great on all pet odors, even cat pee! As always, Amazon came through with super fast shipping#1 Cleaning Product
2017-08-02jarrettI have reviewed this product before and have no changes. It is effective and very easy to clean.#1 Cleaning Product#1 Cleaning Product55starsI have reviewed this product before and have no changes. It is effective and very easy to clean.The Best Product For Dog Urine Accidents
2017-07-11jarrettOMG! The best product for dog urine accidents. I love this product because it has no scent at all. It takes out stains on our cream colored carpet and seems to be the only product to get rid of the smell completely. It is a little pricey but definitely worth it!The Best Product For Dog Urine AccidentsThe Best Product For Dog Urine Accidents55starsOMG! The best product for dog urine accidents. I love this product because it has no scent at all. It takes out stains on our cream colored carpet and seems to be the only product to get rid of the smell completely. It is a little pricey but definitely worth it!It is Magic!!
2017-07-05jarrettIt is magic !! Cleans All stains off carpet !!It is Magic!!It is Magic!!55starsIt is magic !! Cleans All stains off carpet !!WOW
2017-07-03jarrettThis product works just as it says. Spray it on, walk away. Carpet looks super - no stains!!!WOWWOW55starsThis product works just as it says. Spray it on, walk away. Carpet looks super - no stains!!!Wonderful Product
2017-07-02jarrettWorks Wonders on Pet Stains. I Love This and It's a Great Product.
Wonderful ProductWonderful Product45starsWorks Wonders on Pet Stains. I Love This and It's a Great Product.
A Must For Cat Owners.
2017-06-21jarrettAbsolutely love this product. I have a geriatric cat with litter box issues. It cleans the the urine film and odor off my tile/grout wonderfully. I used it recently to remove blood off a pillow. It's well worth the price for removing pet and other tough stains. I use it once a month to remove the residual seeped in urine odor from my litter boxes as well.A Must For Cat Owners.A Must For Cat Owners.55starsAbsolutely love this product. I have a geriatric cat with litter box issues. It cleans the the urine film and odor off my tile/grout wonderfully. I used it recently to remove blood off a pillow. It's well worth the price for removing pet and other tough stains. I use it once a month to remove the residual seeped in urine odor from my litter boxes as well.Good Stuff!
2017-05-31jarrettI really like this stuff. I have several dogs and white carpet - never leaves a trace. Got the name from my groomer/boarding facility and this is the only brand that they carry.Good Stuff!Good Stuff!55starsI really like this stuff. I have several dogs and white carpet - never leaves a trace. Got the name from my groomer/boarding facility and this is the only brand that they carry.Wonderful!
2017-05-30jarrettWonderful! Works as advertisedWonderful!Wonderful!55starsWonderful! Works as advertisedWorked For My Little Cat
2017-05-30jarrettI purchased a bottle of this while getting a bottle of flea and tick spray. I was a little hesitant because of the price. My cat is good at home but does make an accident while at my mom's. It does take a few minutes to hone in on the exact spot in the carpet. Give it a liberal spraying. It does reduce the odor a little when first applied. by the following day after it dries the odor is gone. I will get down on the carpet to get my nose closer. If there is still an odor at this point, I will apply a little more. Never needed more than a second application. This is just a small 7 pound cat. I would imagine that amount of this product needed is proportional to the volume of urine in the carpet. I don't think a couple of pumps of the bottle is going to do much if a dog urinated 12 ounces.Worked For My Little CatWorked For My Little Cat55starsI purchased a bottle of this while getting a bottle of flea and tick spray. I was a little hesitant because of the price. My cat is good at home but does make an accident while at my mom's. It does take a few minutes to hone in on the exact spot in the carpet. Give it a liberal spraying. It does reduce the odor a little when first applied. by the following day after it dries the odor is gone. I will get down on the carpet to get my nose closer. If there is still an odor at this point, I will apply a little more. Never needed more than a second application. This is just a small 7 pound cat. I would imagine that amount of this product needed is proportional to the volume of urine in the carpet. I don't think a couple of pumps of the bottle is going to do much if a dog urinated 12 ounces.Five Stars
2017-05-30jarrettBest pet stain remover EVER!!!!Five StarsFive Stars55starsBest pet stain remover EVER!!!!Five Stars
2017-05-23jarrettlove this stuffFive StarsFive Stars55starslove this stuffDid The Job To Get Rid Of The Odor
2017-05-15jarrettHad to use a lot of it, but the product did the job to get rid of the odor.Did The Job To Get Rid Of The OdorDid The Job To Get Rid Of The Odor55starsHad to use a lot of it, but the product did the job to get rid of the odor.Works Better Than Anything Else
2017-05-12jarrettIt did work pretty well. It did take out most of the stains. It faded a couple without total removal but I will probably try treating those areas again. Overall, I'd say it works better than anything else I had tried to this point. And you really do just have to spray it on, no rubbing required.Works Better Than Anything ElseWorks Better Than Anything Else55starsIt did work pretty well. It did take out most of the stains. It faded a couple without total removal but I will probably try treating those areas again. Overall, I'd say it works better than anything else I had tried to this point. And you really do just have to spray it on, no rubbing required.I ordered this just to try it out as our dog had made a huge stain on the carpet in our hallway throughout the 3 years in our apartment. We had tries other cleaners and even an actual shampoo machine to try and clean up the stain but nothing really ever got it out. We tried this and followed the instruction for about 2 weeks and sure enough the pie stain that my folks were thinking would never come out due to it being a stain that has been there for an extended period was gone. Well worth the money if your looking to get rid of stains that have been on your carpet for monthsBest Pet Stain remover we have used
2017-05-08jarrettI ordered this just to try it out as our dog had made a huge stain on the carpet in our hallway throughout the 3 years in our apartment. We had tries other cleaners and even an actual shampoo machine to try and clean up the stain but nothing really ever got it out. We tried this and followed the instruction for about 2 weeks and sure enough the pie stain that my folks were thinking would never come out due to it being a stain that has been there for an extended period was gone. Well worth the money if your looking to get rid of stains that have been on your carpet for monthsBest Pet Stain remover we have usedBest Pet Stain remover we have used55starsI ordered this just to try it out as our dog had made a huge stain on the carpet in our hallway throughout the 3 years in our apartment. We had tries other cleaners and even an actual shampoo machine to try and clean up the stain but nothing really ever got it out. We tried this and followed the instruction for about 2 weeks and sure enough the pie stain that my folks were thinking would never come out due to it being a stain that has been there for an extended period was gone. Well worth the money if your looking to get rid of stains that have been on your carpet for monthsExcellent
2017-05-01jarrettExcellent. Does the job well.ExcellentExcellent55starsExcellent. Does the job well.Best Stain and Odor Remover on the Market
2017-05-01jarrettOMG! This is THE best stain and odor remover I have ever used. I have tried EVERYTHING. I have a cat and have had trouble removing stains from cat vomit and other fluids from white high dollar carpets. Not even professionals could remove. Seriously. I was just about to give up and replace my favorite snow white Cantoni Italian shag rug after professional cleaner said no way the stains will come out. I bought this stuff only because I got a new puppy and everyone said I had to remove the scent on the tile if she peed on it. I noticed it could be used for carpet stains, so I tried it on the rug as a last resort. Voila! Holy cow..it worked! No extra effort. I just sprayed it on and left it like the directions said and ALL of the stains from my cat throwing up came right up. I tried it on my other carpets where a foster cat had destroyed the carpet. WOW! It worked. Got rid of the smell. Got rid of the stains. I really can't believe it. Those carpets are white also. I don't think I...
Best Stain and Odor Remover on the MarketBest Stain and Odor Remover on the Market55starsOMG! This is THE best stain and odor remover I have ever used. I have tried EVERYTHING. I have a cat and have had trouble removing stains from cat vomit and other fluids from white high dollar carpets. Not even professionals could remove. Seriously. I was just about to give up and replace my favorite snow white Cantoni Italian shag rug after professional cleaner said no way the stains will come out. I bought this stuff only because I got a new puppy and everyone said I had to remove the scent on the tile if she peed on it. I noticed it could be used for carpet stains, so I tried it on the rug as a last resort. Voila! Holy cow..it worked! No extra effort. I just sprayed it on and left it like the directions said and ALL of the stains from my cat throwing up came right up. I tried it on my other carpets where a foster cat had destroyed the carpet. WOW! It worked. Got rid of the smell. Got rid of the stains. I really can't believe it. Those carpets are white also. I don't think I...
Five Stars
2017-05-01jarrettworks great on odors. Great product. Would recommend.Five StarsFive Stars55starsworks great on odors. Great product. Would recommend.Very Happy With Eco 88
2017-04-30jarrettWorks great the product I used to use was discontinued. Very happy with eco 88Very Happy With Eco 88Very Happy With Eco 8855starsWorks great the product I used to use was discontinued. Very happy with eco 88Works as Expected.
2017-04-30jarrettHave used this product for many years. Works as expected.Works as Expected.Works as Expected.55starsHave used this product for many years. Works as expected.ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!
2017-04-28jarrettI have always had a multi-pet household and have used a product called OdorMute successfully to treat the accidents that happen in the house. About 5 years ago, I adopted a rescue dog whose urine smell has defied my current treatment. I purchased Eco-88 based on the reviews on Amazon and tried it on one of her spots. AMAZING!!!!! The odor (which I had treated & cleaned numerous times) was 99% gone. In order to smell anything, I had to stick my nose into the fibers of the rug (and who's going to do that except me!). I am so thrilled, I am placing another order today. This will definitely become my go-to product from now on.
Update - 6/8/17: It's been over a month since I used Eco-88 on my carpet & the odor has not returned!!! I'm am truly impressed with this product.ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!55starsI have always had a multi-pet household and have used a product called OdorMute successfully to treat the accidents that happen in the house. About 5 years ago, I adopted a rescue dog whose urine smell has defied my current treatment. I purchased Eco-88 based on the reviews on Amazon and tried it on one of her spots. AMAZING!!!!! The odor (which I had treated & cleaned numerous times) was 99% gone. In order to smell anything, I had to stick my nose into the fibers of the rug (and who's going to do that except me!). I am so thrilled, I am placing another order today. This will definitely become my go-to product from now on.
Update - 6/8/17: It's been over a month since I used Eco-88 on my carpet & the odor has not returned!!! I'm am truly impressed with this product.Only Spray That Eliminates The Smell Of Cat Pee
2017-04-23jarrettI've been using Eco88 for years and it is the only spray that eliminates the smell of cat pee. Trust me, I've tried them all. My cat has ruined my floor and I will have to replace it once she is gone, but the only silver lining is that in the meantime my house doesn't smell like cat pee.Only Spray That Eliminates The Smell Of Cat PeeOnly Spray That Eliminates The Smell Of Cat Pee55starsI've been using Eco88 for years and it is the only spray that eliminates the smell of cat pee. Trust me, I've tried them all. My cat has ruined my floor and I will have to replace it once she is gone, but the only silver lining is that in the meantime my house doesn't smell like cat pee.Survival Tool For Puppy Training
2017-04-20jarrettPerfect product! Don't think I could have survived potty training puppy without it. I have hardwood floors and using this product, there are no residual smells or stains.Survival Tool For Puppy TrainingSurvival Tool For Puppy Training55starsPerfect product! Don't think I could have survived potty training puppy without it. I have hardwood floors and using this product, there are no residual smells or stains.It Works!
2017-04-17jarrettThis is a wonderful product.It Works!It Works!55starsThis is a wonderful product.Love It!
2017-04-13jarrettOnly product that truly helps!! Love it!!Love It!Love It!55starsOnly product that truly helps!! Love it!!This Stuff is Amazing
2017-04-02jarrettThis stuff is amazing. I've been using it for a while and although it's pricey it's totally worth it.This Stuff is AmazingThis Stuff is Amazing55starsThis stuff is amazing. I've been using it for a while and although it's pricey it's totally worth it.This Stuff is AMAZING
2017-03-27jarrettThis stuff is AMAZING. We rescue pointers and many of the males haven't been neutered until later in life and their urine STINKS and they need lots of patience to get them to stop marking. I spray inside and outside when needed and the smell is almost instantly gone. I've tried lots of different things and this stuff is by far the best. I buy it by the gallon!!This Stuff is AMAZINGThis Stuff is AMAZING55starsThis stuff is AMAZING. We rescue pointers and many of the males haven't been neutered until later in life and their urine STINKS and they need lots of patience to get them to stop marking. I spray inside and outside when needed and the smell is almost instantly gone. I've tried lots of different things and this stuff is by far the best. I buy it by the gallon!!Five Stars
2017-03-25jarrettThis is the best stain/smell remover we have ever used, works wonderfully!Five StarsFive Stars55starsThis is the best stain/smell remover we have ever used, works wonderfully!Five Stars
2017-03-21jarrettIncredible pee stain remover.Five StarsFive Stars55starsIncredible pee stain remover.This Is The Best Stuff.
2017-02-27jarrettOnly carpet cleaner that doesn't ruin my Carpet with pet stains. I have an old dog that is loosing bladder control and this is the best stuff.This Is The Best Stuff.This Is The Best Stuff.55starsOnly carpet cleaner that doesn't ruin my Carpet with pet stains. I have an old dog that is loosing bladder control and this is the best stuff.It Works Great!!
2017-02-25jarrettThis is, hands down, the best pet stain and odor remover! It has cleaned up old stains found with the P-lite pet stain light that I also bought to find all our pet problems! Worth the money!It Works Great!!It Works Great!!55starsThis is, hands down, the best pet stain and odor remover! It has cleaned up old stains found with the P-lite pet stain light that I also bought to find all our pet problems! Worth the money!I Have Never Found a Product That Could Do The Things That Eco88 Can DoJesslyn Beaird, left on AmazonFebruary 23rd, 2017I Have Never Found a Product That Could Do The Things That Eco88 Can Do
2017-02-23jarrettWe have purchased this product for several years. I have never found a product that could do the things that Eco88 can doI Have Never Found a Product That Could Do The Things That Eco88 Can DoI Have Never Found a Product That Could Do The Things That Eco88 Can Do55starsWe have purchased this product for several years. I have never found a product that could do the things that Eco88 can doCleaned Up Animal Vomit And Red Wine Stain!!!
2017-02-19jarrettNever used anything that worked so well!! A friend told me about this product so I got online and ordered two bottles! Low and behold, my dog vomited on a rug within days of receiving. I placed baking soda on the site first just to absorb some of the liquid and then sprayed Eco 88. Unbelievable how quickly it absorbed the brown color and cleaned the rug! I did have to use two applications because of the ridges in the rug but it came clean.
My sister had spilled red wine on another rug in my living room that had not come out with other cleaners. I decided to use Eco 88 on it You can barely see where the spill was after being there for over a month! I am amazed and wish i had taken before and after pictures!!Cleaned Up Animal Vomit And Red Wine Stain!!!Cleaned Up Animal Vomit And Red Wine Stain!!!55starsNever used anything that worked so well!! A friend told me about this product so I got online and ordered two bottles! Low and behold, my dog vomited on a rug within days of receiving. I placed baking soda on the site first just to absorb some of the liquid and then sprayed Eco 88. Unbelievable how quickly it absorbed the brown color and cleaned the rug! I did have to use two applications because of the ridges in the rug but it came clean.
My sister had spilled red wine on another rug in my living room that had not come out with other cleaners. I decided to use Eco 88 on it You can barely see where the spill was after being there for over a month! I am amazed and wish i had taken before and after pictures!!Odor Remover
2017-02-16jarrettWorks great. Definitely gets out odors and they seem to stay away.Odor RemoverOdor Remover55starsWorks great. Definitely gets out odors and they seem to stay away.Works Like Magic
2017-02-16jarrettBelieve all the positive reviews! This honestly works like magic! Although, keep it mind that if it works perfectly, it might contain some strong chemicals so take precaution and follow the instructions. Worth every penny!
Works Like MagicWorks Like Magic55starsBelieve all the positive reviews! This honestly works like magic! Although, keep it mind that if it works perfectly, it might contain some strong chemicals so take precaution and follow the instructions. Worth every penny!
Excellent Product
2017-02-13jarrettThis stuff is awesome! Works exactly as advertised, I love it! I wish it was a little less expensive, but I'll still buy it because it works!Excellent ProductExcellent Product55starsThis stuff is awesome! Works exactly as advertised, I love it! I wish it was a little less expensive, but I'll still buy it because it works!Five Stars
2017-01-16jarrettThe scent of this product was not pleasant. However, once it dissipated, it solved the problem. Be sure to follow all directions on the label for best results. I would recommend it.Five StarsFive Stars45starsThe scent of this product was not pleasant. However, once it dissipated, it solved the problem. Be sure to follow all directions on the label for best results. I would recommend it.This Stuff Is A-mazing!!
2016-12-27jarrettWow got this stuff from my vet for $20 a bottle and read these reviews and decided to try it on an old stain on my couch. I'm a believer! See the photo after only one spray treatmentThis Stuff Is A-mazing!!This Stuff Is A-mazing!!55starsWow got this stuff from my vet for $20 a bottle and read these reviews and decided to try it on an old stain on my couch. I'm a believer! See the photo after only one spray treatmentIt Works! Cleans Through Years Of Crime.
2016-12-14jarrettIt actually cleaned through 3 years of grime & other cleaning products that did not work! Very Happy with the results.
However... The product did cause redness and burning sensation on my hands So I always use thin surgical gloves when I use ECO-88. I didn't see any warning ⚠ about Redness or the Use Gloves. I will be buying a second bottle because of the great results with ECO-88's.* NOTE! * I do not know if my hands are just sensitive to an ingredient in ECO-88.It Works! Cleans Through Years Of Crime.It Works! Cleans Through Years Of Crime.55starsIt actually cleaned through 3 years of grime & other cleaning products that did not work! Very Happy with the results.
However... The product did cause redness and burning sensation on my hands So I always use thin surgical gloves when I use ECO-88. I didn't see any warning ⚠ about Redness or the Use Gloves. I will be buying a second bottle because of the great results with ECO-88's.* NOTE! * I do not know if my hands are just sensitive to an ingredient in ECO-88.Finally Something That Works!!!!!
2016-12-12jarrettKeep spraying on the carpet and the smell will go away! Finally something that works!!!!!
Finally Something That Works!!!!!Finally Something That Works!!!!!55starsKeep spraying on the carpet and the smell will go away! Finally something that works!!!!!
Five Starshttps://www.amazon.com/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AENNJC2URIV2ZWTBYD7SPODM7I6A/ref=cm_cr_getr_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8, left on AmazonDecember 12th, 2016Five Stars
2016-12-12jarrettBest ever pet stain remover!Five StarsFive Stars55starsBest ever pet stain remover!The best cleaner I have found for carpets
2016-12-09jarrettThe best cleaner I have found for carpets. Spraying and blotting several times does the trick. I have not had problems with the spray removing color visibly, although it does remove some color on my Orientals.The best cleaner I have found for carpetsThe best cleaner I have found for carpets55starsThe best cleaner I have found for carpets. Spraying and blotting several times does the trick. I have not had problems with the spray removing color visibly, although it does remove some color on my Orientals.Sorcery!
2016-12-09jarrettThis stuff is amazing, I don't know what kind of witchcraft this is but I love it!Sorcery!Sorcery!55starsThis stuff is amazing, I don't know what kind of witchcraft this is but I love it!Five Stars
2016-12-06jarrettBest product on the market this gets any stain out of ANYTHING been using this stuff for years!Five StarsFive Stars55starsBest product on the market this gets any stain out of ANYTHING been using this stuff for years!I Can’t Do Without This Stuff
2016-11-16jarrettI can't do without this stuff. It came highly recommended by various people in the "dog" biz and rightly so! It really works.I Can’t Do Without This StuffI Can’t Do Without This Stuff55starsI can't do without this stuff. It came highly recommended by various people in the "dog" biz and rightly so! It really works.Great Product That Works Great!
2016-11-15jarrettLove to use the product after my dogs vomit the yellow foam stuff. Nothing makes a pet jump then the sound of their pet gagging!Great Product That Works Great!Great Product That Works Great!55starsLove to use the product after my dogs vomit the yellow foam stuff. Nothing makes a pet jump then the sound of their pet gagging!Satisfied
2016-11-13jarrettThis came recommended by a friend and I can't believe how well it works. I am completely satisfied with the results it give.SatisfiedSatisfied55starsThis came recommended by a friend and I can't believe how well it works. I am completely satisfied with the results it give.Actually Performs As Promised!
2016-11-12jarrettGreat stuff that actually works. We've tried a whole bunch of products which claim to eliminate pet stains/odors, but this one really does work. Not particularly cheap, but if you've had pet urine stains and smells in your house, you know it's worth anything to cure it for good.Actually Performs As Promised!Actually Performs As Promised!55starsGreat stuff that actually works. We've tried a whole bunch of products which claim to eliminate pet stains/odors, but this one really does work. Not particularly cheap, but if you've had pet urine stains and smells in your house, you know it's worth anything to cure it for good.Was Going To Pull Out My Carpet
2016-10-27jarrettWorks great. Was going to pull out my carpet but now I do not need to.Was Going To Pull Out My CarpetWas Going To Pull Out My Carpet55starsWorks great. Was going to pull out my carpet but now I do not need to.Works Better Than The More Expensive Products
2016-10-21jarrettThe item arrived in perfect condition and works better than the more expensive products. The price was right and I am happy with my purchase. I recommend this vendor.Works Better Than The More Expensive ProductsWorks Better Than The More Expensive Products55starsThe item arrived in perfect condition and works better than the more expensive products. The price was right and I am happy with my purchase. I recommend this vendor.Amazing Stuff
2016-10-16jarrettThis stuff is confusingly good. not too sure on what all is in it, but it works! Our carpets keep clean because of this stuff. Thank you!Amazing StuffAmazing Stuff55starsThis stuff is confusingly good. not too sure on what all is in it, but it works! Our carpets keep clean because of this stuff. Thank you!Five Stars
2016-10-12jarrettI do not know what I would have done without this during puppy house training.Five StarsFive Stars55starsI do not know what I would have done without this during puppy house training.This Stuff Is Great!
2016-10-04jarrettThis stuff is great! I bought it for cleaning pet messes on carpet (it does a wonderful job removing even old stains) but quickly discovered it's great for removing odors from the trash can as well. I just spray in the bottom of the can when I change the trash bags. I'm sure it has a lot of other great uses as well. I love that it removes odor so well but it doesn't have a perfume-y scent. Other cleaners like Nature's Miracle really burn my nose. Not this one!This Stuff Is Great!This Stuff Is Great!55starsThis stuff is great! I bought it for cleaning pet messes on carpet (it does a wonderful job removing even old stains) but quickly discovered it's great for removing odors from the trash can as well. I just spray in the bottom of the can when I change the trash bags. I'm sure it has a lot of other great uses as well. I love that it removes odor so well but it doesn't have a perfume-y scent. Other cleaners like Nature's Miracle really burn my nose. Not this one!HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!
2016-09-27jarrettI love this product and have recommended it to all the pet owners I know. It has worked wonders on house training, I had some really bad and lots of accidents by my dog and thanks to Eco-88, when I left my apt I got my deposit back. I tried every product available for pet stains and odors and then my vet recommended Eco-88 to me and I am thankful they did.
Eco-88 is by far the best product on the market for pet owners. It has also removed stains on my carpet and upholstery, that were not caused by my dog, here is a list of a few stains it has removed. (none of which I had to gentle rub in, in fact Ive never had to rub it in to any stains in my household, though I need reapply but never more than a second time)
Colored drinks
Body paint
Mud stains
Fish odor (My dog eats whole uncooked fish on my carpets)
Eco-88 has replaced all of my cleaners. Minus the necessary ones, like Windex.
I HIGHLY recommend this product.HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!55starsI love this product and have recommended it to all the pet owners I know. It has worked wonders on house training, I had some really bad and lots of accidents by my dog and thanks to Eco-88, when I left my apt I got my deposit back. I tried every product available for pet stains and odors and then my vet recommended Eco-88 to me and I am thankful they did.
Eco-88 is by far the best product on the market for pet owners. It has also removed stains on my carpet and upholstery, that were not caused by my dog, here is a list of a few stains it has removed. (none of which I had to gentle rub in, in fact Ive never had to rub it in to any stains in my household, though I need reapply but never more than a second time)
Colored drinks
Body paint
Mud stains
Fish odor (My dog eats whole uncooked fish on my carpets)
Eco-88 has replaced all of my cleaners. Minus the necessary ones, like Windex.
I HIGHLY recommend this product.This stain remover is awesome!
2016-09-25jarrettThis stain remover is awesome! I have tried many different types of pet stain removers and enzymes. Eco-88 beats them all and no elbow grease involved. Just spray and walk away. It remove old yellow urine stains that I had tried everything on. The carpet is a very light beige and looks like new. AMAZING!This stain remover is awesome!This stain remover is awesome!55starsThis stain remover is awesome! I have tried many different types of pet stain removers and enzymes. Eco-88 beats them all and no elbow grease involved. Just spray and walk away. It remove old yellow urine stains that I had tried everything on. The carpet is a very light beige and looks like new. AMAZING!Five Stars
2016-09-18jarrettThis stuff really works it's awesome best product everFive StarsFive Stars55starsThis stuff really works it's awesome best product everThe Best Pet Clean-up Ever!
2016-09-17jarrettWith a new puppy there are accidents in the home. I take paper towels to soak up his pee, then I spray and forget. There is no oder...I've used many sprays in the past, however nothing as good as this. I did however find it at Wal-Mart to be less in price by 10.00......The Best Pet Clean-up Ever!The Best Pet Clean-up Ever!55starsWith a new puppy there are accidents in the home. I take paper towels to soak up his pee, then I spray and forget. There is no oder...I've used many sprays in the past, however nothing as good as this. I did however find it at Wal-Mart to be less in price by 10.00......Worked When Nothing Else Did
2016-09-16jarrettMy dog is going through chemo and has been having accidents after his treatments. Recently, I have been unable to get the stains out of the carpet. I went though all of my usual cleaning methods and nothing would get out the last of the stain. Eco-88 did the trick!Worked When Nothing Else DidWorked When Nothing Else Did55starsMy dog is going through chemo and has been having accidents after his treatments. Recently, I have been unable to get the stains out of the carpet. I went though all of my usual cleaning methods and nothing would get out the last of the stain. Eco-88 did the trick!Useful To Clean Up Anything
2016-09-02jarrettEasy to use--spray and walk away. Cleans up any stains, including pet stains. Won't harm fabrics. Removes most old stains, too.Useful To Clean Up AnythingUseful To Clean Up Anything55starsEasy to use--spray and walk away. Cleans up any stains, including pet stains. Won't harm fabrics. Removes most old stains, too.Five Stars
2016-09-02jarrettbest pet stain remover I have usedFive StarsFive Stars55starsbest pet stain remover I have usedFive Stars
2016-08-31jarrettWorks better than anything else I have used!Five StarsFive Stars55starsWorks better than anything else I have used!No Smell
2016-08-26jarrettno smell from dog urine on the floorNo SmellNo Smell55starsno smell from dog urine on the floorFive Stars
2016-08-24jarrettExceeded expectations!Five StarsFive Stars55starsExceeded expectations!Truly an Excellent Product!
2016-08-24jarrettWill get out even old stains out of light carpet that other cleaners were not able to remove. I wear gloves if you need to touch area as cleaner will also 'clean' skin if you have very dry cracked hands. Truly an excellent product!!Truly an Excellent Product!Truly an Excellent Product!55starsWill get out even old stains out of light carpet that other cleaners were not able to remove. I wear gloves if you need to touch area as cleaner will also 'clean' skin if you have very dry cracked hands. Truly an excellent product!!Never Had Anything Work This Well!!Never had anything work this well!! , left on AmazonAugust 22nd, 2016Never Had Anything Work This Well!!
2016-08-22jarrettNever had anything work this well!! on all kinds of stains!Never Had Anything Work This Well!!Never Had Anything Work This Well!!55starsNever had anything work this well!! on all kinds of stains!SUPER SUPER SUPER
2016-08-14jarrettThis stuff is a miracle. I have two dogs who are not trained and white carpet. It is just amazing.SUPER SUPER SUPERSUPER SUPER SUPER55starsThis stuff is a miracle. I have two dogs who are not trained and white carpet. It is just amazing.Stain Eraser
2016-08-03jarrettThis stuff gets out carpet stains from pets like magic and you literally spray and walk away. My only complaint is that it is pretty caustic if you get it on your hands which leads me to believe that it isn't as natural as advertised.Stain EraserStain Eraser55starsThis stuff gets out carpet stains from pets like magic and you literally spray and walk away. My only complaint is that it is pretty caustic if you get it on your hands which leads me to believe that it isn't as natural as advertised.There is Nothing On The Market That Works as Good as This Product Does!Valerie Richardson, left on AmazonJuly 28th, 2016There is Nothing On The Market That Works as Good as This Product Does!
2016-07-28jarrettThere is nothing on the market that works as good as this product does! Stains disappear right before your eyes, all stains, not just animal stains. Once used on an area, animals do not return to that location to soil it again. I am never without this product and as a foster for a local Animal Rescue, I give a bottle to each one of my adoptive families.There is Nothing On The Market That Works as Good as This Product Does!There is Nothing On The Market That Works as Good as This Product Does!55starsThere is nothing on the market that works as good as this product does! Stains disappear right before your eyes, all stains, not just animal stains. Once used on an area, animals do not return to that location to soil it again. I am never without this product and as a foster for a local Animal Rescue, I give a bottle to each one of my adoptive families.It Works
2016-07-26jarrettIt works like it says it does!!It WorksIt Works55starsIt works like it says it does!!Great Product
2016-07-26jarrettGreat product and excellent service!Great ProductGreat Product55starsGreat product and excellent service!This Is A Great Product
2016-07-26jarrettMy mother had some blood stains on her carpet that were there for weeks. My brother bought some Eco-88 at the local Ace Hardware. I thought it was a completely futile effort to try to remove old blood but it came up entirely after one try. This is a great product. I had no idea it was for pet odors and stains as well. I have some sofas that have a serious cat urine smell but they are beautiful and were made for us so I don't want to toss them. I plan to try this.
So, update. It had no impact at all on the cat smell. However, I had an old red wine stain on the zipper of a beautiful Coach bag. Just on a whim, I sprayed just a bit of this on the stain. The stain was gone the next time I checked. That stain had been there for more than a year.This Is A Great ProductThis Is A Great Product55starsMy mother had some blood stains on her carpet that were there for weeks. My brother bought some Eco-88 at the local Ace Hardware. I thought it was a completely futile effort to try to remove old blood but it came up entirely after one try. This is a great product. I had no idea it was for pet odors and stains as well. I have some sofas that have a serious cat urine smell but they are beautiful and were made for us so I don't want to toss them. I plan to try this.
So, update. It had no impact at all on the cat smell. However, I had an old red wine stain on the zipper of a beautiful Coach bag. Just on a whim, I sprayed just a bit of this on the stain. The stain was gone the next time I checked. That stain had been there for more than a year.Best Pet Cleaner EVER
2016-07-26jarrettBest pet cleaner EVER, hands down. Don't waste $ on any of the other products. We use this on our finest rugs and it works. Period.Best Pet Cleaner EVERBest Pet Cleaner EVER55starsBest pet cleaner EVER, hands down. Don't waste $ on any of the other products. We use this on our finest rugs and it works. Period.The Best!!!
2016-07-22jarrettThis stuff is AMAZING! two e,term examples for you. #1 I was cooking in the kitchen and went to throw away steaks package and blood from inside spilled all over my kitchen rug. Turned sprayer to the streaming side and completely wet area and it bubbled up (kind of like when you put peroxide on a cut) and POOF blood completely gone. Just bloated up with paper towel and good as new. #2 dog had a bad case of diarrhea. Cleaned up as much solid as could then heavily sprayed area and again bubbled and the smell and stain completely gone!!!The Best!!!The Best!!!55starsThis stuff is AMAZING! two e,term examples for you. #1 I was cooking in the kitchen and went to throw away steaks package and blood from inside spilled all over my kitchen rug. Turned sprayer to the streaming side and completely wet area and it bubbled up (kind of like when you put peroxide on a cut) and POOF blood completely gone. Just bloated up with paper towel and good as new. #2 dog had a bad case of diarrhea. Cleaned up as much solid as could then heavily sprayed area and again bubbled and the smell and stain completely gone!!!Best Pet Stain Remover On The Market
2016-07-16jarrettThis product really works! I've had pet stains on my carpet that even the professional cleaners couldn't remove. I used this on it and the stain was gone in a few hours. It's worth the money I'm on my 2nd bottle.Best Pet Stain Remover On The MarketBest Pet Stain Remover On The Market55starsThis product really works! I've had pet stains on my carpet that even the professional cleaners couldn't remove. I used this on it and the stain was gone in a few hours. It's worth the money I'm on my 2nd bottle.Five Stars
2016-07-16jarrettLove, love, love this product!Five StarsFive Stars55starsLove, love, love this product!This Product Works Better Than Nature’s Miracle or OdoBanBlazingDubstep, left on AmazonJuly 14th, 2016This Product Works Better Than Nature’s Miracle or OdoBan
2016-07-14jarrettFor removing pet stains and odor, this product works better than Nature's Miracle or OdoBan. We have two dogs and four cats and it seems at least one of them is vomiting food or grass every week. (Yuck!) And they always head for the nearest rug or carpet when they do (despite most of our house being tile). I've used Eco-88 on older carpet stains previously cleaned with Nature's Miracle and the smell was gone, but the stain was not. Eco-88 removed the stain. It will foam when it touches urine or other "bio hazards."This Product Works Better Than Nature’s Miracle or OdoBanThis Product Works Better Than Nature’s Miracle or OdoBan55starsFor removing pet stains and odor, this product works better than Nature's Miracle or OdoBan. We have two dogs and four cats and it seems at least one of them is vomiting food or grass every week. (Yuck!) And they always head for the nearest rug or carpet when they do (despite most of our house being tile). I've used Eco-88 on older carpet stains previously cleaned with Nature's Miracle and the smell was gone, but the stain was not. Eco-88 removed the stain. It will foam when it touches urine or other "bio hazards."I Love This Stuff
2016-07-07jarrettI love this stuff. Worth every penny spent. Have been using it for years.I Love This StuffI Love This Stuff55starsI love this stuff. Worth every penny spent. Have been using it for years.Great for Puppy Stains
2016-07-07jarrettThis product worked beautifully on stains. I wish it worked as a deterrent, but it performed better than anything else on pee stains.Great for Puppy StainsGreat for Puppy Stains55starsThis product worked beautifully on stains. I wish it worked as a deterrent, but it performed better than anything else on pee stains.This Pet Product Really Works.
2016-06-17jarrettThe only pet product that really works on the stains and odor.This Pet Product Really Works.This Pet Product Really Works.55starsThe only pet product that really works on the stains and odor.Really Delivers, Amazing!
2016-06-16jarrettI purchased this product after reading reviews on line. I'd been using the Oreck pet stain remover for years but found it not so effective recently. Using the Oreck brand on a pet urine stain a few weeks ago, it left some of the stain on our cream colored carpet plus it lightened the color on the carpet. So although I purchased Eco 88 a few days ago, I was waiting to treat the urine stains when time permitted but then this morning, my dog vomited that bright yellow slime like bile that some dogs get during allergy season. I quickly blotted up the stain and ran to grab the Eco. I sprayed the stain as directed and just left it alone. I did cover the stains with some large plastic bowls to keep my dogs from stepping on the area. Four hours later the stains were completely gone! I wish I had taken a before picture. I was so skeptical but not ...Really Delivers, Amazing!Really Delivers, Amazing!55starsI purchased this product after reading reviews on line. I'd been using the Oreck pet stain remover for years but found it not so effective recently. Using the Oreck brand on a pet urine stain a few weeks ago, it left some of the stain on our cream colored carpet plus it lightened the color on the carpet. So although I purchased Eco 88 a few days ago, I was waiting to treat the urine stains when time permitted but then this morning, my dog vomited that bright yellow slime like bile that some dogs get during allergy season. I quickly blotted up the stain and ran to grab the Eco. I sprayed the stain as directed and just left it alone. I did cover the stains with some large plastic bowls to keep my dogs from stepping on the area. Four hours later the stains were completely gone! I wish I had taken a before picture. I was so skeptical but not ...Worked well
2016-06-05jarrettQuick and easy to use. Worked wellWorked wellWorked well55starsQuick and easy to use. Worked wellMiracle Product
2016-06-04jarrettThis stuff is a miracle product. Not only does it completely remove pet stains and odors, it took red wine COMPLETELY out of my white couch! Seriously, you would have never known there was a stain. We sprayed it immediately after the spill and we were all in awe. You will not regret buying this!!Miracle ProductMiracle Product55starsThis stuff is a miracle product. Not only does it completely remove pet stains and odors, it took red wine COMPLETELY out of my white couch! Seriously, you would have never known there was a stain. We sprayed it immediately after the spill and we were all in awe. You will not regret buying this!!Fantastic!
2016-05-26jarrettThis product is fantastic. You can just spray a stain and walk awayFantastic!Fantastic!55starsThis product is fantastic. You can just spray a stain and walk awayBest Stain Remover I’ve Ever Used
2016-05-17jarrettThis is the best thing since sliced bread. It cleans up pet mistakes and doesn't leave a trace. Just spray and go. It is also great on laundry stains. It's like magic!Best Stain Remover I’ve Ever UsedBest Stain Remover I’ve Ever Used55starsThis is the best thing since sliced bread. It cleans up pet mistakes and doesn't leave a trace. Just spray and go. It is also great on laundry stains. It's like magic!Super Product
2016-05-14jarrettSuper product for my dog's and cat's accidents!Super ProductSuper Product55starsSuper product for my dog's and cat's accidents!It Really Worked
2016-05-08jarrettRead the reviews, have a friend who raves about it. It really worked for me with odor in my car.It Really WorkedIt Really Worked55starsRead the reviews, have a friend who raves about it. It really worked for me with odor in my car.Five Stars
2016-05-07jarrettBetter than others I have tried.Five StarsFive Stars55starsBetter than others I have tried.Wonderful Product
2016-04-17jarrettRecommended by a friend with a puppy. Removes any trace of odor to our noses and, I assume, to dogs. She has not returned to the same spotWonderful ProductWonderful Product55starsRecommended by a friend with a puppy. Removes any trace of odor to our noses and, I assume, to dogs. She has not returned to the same spotFive Stars
2016-04-15jarrettLove this stuff!Five StarsFive Stars55starsLove this stuff!No More Doggy Smell.
2016-04-05jarrettThis product was recommended by several people in a group of dog lovers. They were absolutely right about it. I now have bottles of Eco-88 placed strategically throughout the house for any pet accidents that occur. This stuff is amazing to remove any appearance or odor of an accident. When there is a potty accident or one of the dogs throws up, I quickly clean up whatever is there with a paper towel then I spray Eco-88 to saturate the carpet in that area. Usually, I place a paper towel on top so that we can avoid walking there. Visitors have commented that they can't smell dogs when they enter the house. I take that as a compliment.
I like Eco-88 so much that I purchased it for the family that adopted the foster dog we had. She have having accidents in the house. They sprayed even the old places and were very happy that it cleared the room of any smell.
If you have pets, you need this stuff.No More Doggy Smell.No More Doggy Smell.55starsThis product was recommended by several people in a group of dog lovers. They were absolutely right about it. I now have bottles of Eco-88 placed strategically throughout the house for any pet accidents that occur. This stuff is amazing to remove any appearance or odor of an accident. When there is a potty accident or one of the dogs throws up, I quickly clean up whatever is there with a paper towel then I spray Eco-88 to saturate the carpet in that area. Usually, I place a paper towel on top so that we can avoid walking there. Visitors have commented that they can't smell dogs when they enter the house. I take that as a compliment.
I like Eco-88 so much that I purchased it for the family that adopted the foster dog we had. She have having accidents in the house. They sprayed even the old places and were very happy that it cleared the room of any smell.
If you have pets, you need this stuff.Well Worth The Price If You Have Pets
2016-04-04jarrettWe have two dogs and a cat, and this stuff really is the best for dealing with pet messes. No more spraying and blotting forever to get rid of the nasty spots. Just clean up the mess and soak the spot with this stuff to make it disappear and remove all odor. It even works on cat urine, and has come in handy with sick and potty-training toddlers in the house too.Well Worth The Price If You Have PetsWell Worth The Price If You Have Pets55starsWe have two dogs and a cat, and this stuff really is the best for dealing with pet messes. No more spraying and blotting forever to get rid of the nasty spots. Just clean up the mess and soak the spot with this stuff to make it disappear and remove all odor. It even works on cat urine, and has come in handy with sick and potty-training toddlers in the house too.Five Stars
2016-04-02jarrettgreat product, it works!Five StarsFive Stars55starsgreat product, it works!Thank You For Producing This Product
2016-03-23jarrettworks well thank you for producing this productThank You For Producing This ProductThank You For Producing This Product55starsworks well thank you for producing this productIf You Have Kids or Pets, YOU NEED THIS
2016-03-23jarrettThis stuff is fantastic. And I do mean fantastic. I have two cats, and we had to replace the carpet in our last house because of cat pee - once they pee somewhere once, they can smell it no matter how much you clean it and will go there again - it's terrible, and nothing worked! Well, one of the cats got sick in our new house and peed on the carpet, twice, and I thought HERE WE GO AGAIN. But I had some of this stuff on hand, thank God. I sprayed it on, and neither of the cats have showed a single bit of interest in those spots again, and it's been months! I can't even find the spots with a black light. This stuff is AMAZING. Gets out cat pee, cat puke, and even got the milk smell out of my car after a toddler spilled a cup in there.
A few words of caution - this only works on biological substances, i.e. urine, vomit, poop, and apparently milk (which is biological, so...). Also, do not get it on your skin. It burns. But since you don't have to do any scrubbing, it'...If You Have Kids or Pets, YOU NEED THISIf You Have Kids or Pets, YOU NEED THIS55starsThis stuff is fantastic. And I do mean fantastic. I have two cats, and we had to replace the carpet in our last house because of cat pee - once they pee somewhere once, they can smell it no matter how much you clean it and will go there again - it's terrible, and nothing worked! Well, one of the cats got sick in our new house and peed on the carpet, twice, and I thought HERE WE GO AGAIN. But I had some of this stuff on hand, thank God. I sprayed it on, and neither of the cats have showed a single bit of interest in those spots again, and it's been months! I can't even find the spots with a black light. This stuff is AMAZING. Gets out cat pee, cat puke, and even got the milk smell out of my car after a toddler spilled a cup in there.
A few words of caution - this only works on biological substances, i.e. urine, vomit, poop, and apparently milk (which is biological, so...). Also, do not get it on your skin. It burns. But since you don't have to do any scrubbing, it'...Puppy Oops! It Works!
2016-03-21jarrettBest product ever to remove puppy accident stains and odors. Highly recommend!Puppy Oops! It Works!Puppy Oops! It Works!55starsBest product ever to remove puppy accident stains and odors. Highly recommend!Much Better Than Anything You Can Buy
2016-03-17jarrettThis really does work! I always make sure I have a bottle. Much better than anything you can buy in the grocery stores.Much Better Than Anything You Can BuyMuch Better Than Anything You Can Buy55starsThis really does work! I always make sure I have a bottle. Much better than anything you can buy in the grocery stores.Miracle Worker!
2016-03-15jarrettI've tried every product and had pets almost my entire life, and eco88 is MILES in front of any product available. I love to 'literally' follow the directions, 'Speay and walk away'!!!!!Miracle Worker!Miracle Worker!55starsI've tried every product and had pets almost my entire life, and eco88 is MILES in front of any product available. I love to 'literally' follow the directions, 'Speay and walk away'!!!!!Works Wonders!
2016-02-25jarrettWorks wonders! Only pet stain remover I will use now to get up stains & odors. I would definitely recommend this product to pet owners!Works Wonders!Works Wonders!55starsWorks wonders! Only pet stain remover I will use now to get up stains & odors. I would definitely recommend this product to pet owners!I’m So Glad Someone Introduced Me To This ProductAmazon Customer, left on AmazonFebruary 19th, 2016I’m So Glad Someone Introduced Me To This Product
2016-02-19jarrettMy ten year old Bichon Frise (male) had begun a terrible habit of peeing in the house, and on the patio. I sprayed around inside the house, and I can definitely see he is no longer marking those areas. In fact, I sprayed a column outside on my patio which had been his #1 place to stop when stepping outside. After I gave it a good spraying, he is no longer interested in going anywhere near the same column! I just ordered my second bottle to spray more areas on my patio. I'm so glad someone introduced me to this product.I’m So Glad Someone Introduced Me To This ProductI’m So Glad Someone Introduced Me To This Product55starsMy ten year old Bichon Frise (male) had begun a terrible habit of peeing in the house, and on the patio. I sprayed around inside the house, and I can definitely see he is no longer marking those areas. In fact, I sprayed a column outside on my patio which had been his #1 place to stop when stepping outside. After I gave it a good spraying, he is no longer interested in going anywhere near the same column! I just ordered my second bottle to spray more areas on my patio. I'm so glad someone introduced me to this product.Must Have
2016-02-18jarrettThis stuff is fabulous! If you have pet accidents, this is the ONLY product you'll want to use! It takes out the stain and the odor. I've never seen any product work as well as this one and have recommended it to family and friends. It's worth the cost, which is high, but a little goes a long way. I will always have some at hand!Must HaveMust Have55starsThis stuff is fabulous! If you have pet accidents, this is the ONLY product you'll want to use! It takes out the stain and the odor. I've never seen any product work as well as this one and have recommended it to family and friends. It's worth the cost, which is high, but a little goes a long way. I will always have some at hand!LIFESAVER and ANXIETY REDUCER!
2016-02-15jarrettThis stuff is seriously the most outstanding product I have ever purchased. It has eased my worries with my pets and my expensive rugs and carpets. I used to panic when I left my house thinking my dogs would have accidents on my super nice rugs but now I don't worry because if they do (and they have) I have this product to fix the problem. Believe these reviews because they are true.LIFESAVER and ANXIETY REDUCER!LIFESAVER and ANXIETY REDUCER!55starsThis stuff is seriously the most outstanding product I have ever purchased. It has eased my worries with my pets and my expensive rugs and carpets. I used to panic when I left my house thinking my dogs would have accidents on my super nice rugs but now I don't worry because if they do (and they have) I have this product to fix the problem. Believe these reviews because they are true.Great Product! Really Works Great
2016-02-11jarrettGreat product! Really works great! Was recommended at a local pet store.Great Product! Really Works GreatGreat Product! Really Works Great55starsGreat product! Really works great! Was recommended at a local pet store.Truly a Miracle Cleaner!
2016-02-01jarrettThis stuff is honestly amazing. I have a dog with a small bladder that gets a little territorial when I have foster dogs with me, so I've had to get rid of rugs before. I know it seems pricey for a cleaner, but it's cheaper than a new rug, so I figured I'd give it a try. A few sprays to saturate the stained area, walk away, come back in thirty minutes, and it's GONE! For me, this has worked on a variety of stains (urine, feces, vomit, and blood), as well as a variety of fabrics (wool rug, cotton pants, viscose carpet, and even my down comforter). Make sure you spot test on a small bit of your rug first! I noticed that repeated over-saturation of a spot caused the fabric to slightly change texture. I will always keep a bottle of this in my cabinets from now on!Truly a Miracle Cleaner!Truly a Miracle Cleaner!55starsThis stuff is honestly amazing. I have a dog with a small bladder that gets a little territorial when I have foster dogs with me, so I've had to get rid of rugs before. I know it seems pricey for a cleaner, but it's cheaper than a new rug, so I figured I'd give it a try. A few sprays to saturate the stained area, walk away, come back in thirty minutes, and it's GONE! For me, this has worked on a variety of stains (urine, feces, vomit, and blood), as well as a variety of fabrics (wool rug, cotton pants, viscose carpet, and even my down comforter). Make sure you spot test on a small bit of your rug first! I noticed that repeated over-saturation of a spot caused the fabric to slightly change texture. I will always keep a bottle of this in my cabinets from now on!Best Product You Can Buy Hands Down.
2016-02-01jarrettBy far this is the best you can buy. I have a Chihuahua and at times I have to hunt for where he marked. Like it says. Spray and walk away. I wish it were cheaper because I use 2 spray bottles a month. I have tried every product out there and this is the only one that works. You will waste your money on any other product. Ie natures miracle, as seen on tv products, bissle stain remover.Best Product You Can Buy Hands Down.Best Product You Can Buy Hands Down.55starsBy far this is the best you can buy. I have a Chihuahua and at times I have to hunt for where he marked. Like it says. Spray and walk away. I wish it were cheaper because I use 2 spray bottles a month. I have tried every product out there and this is the only one that works. You will waste your money on any other product. Ie natures miracle, as seen on tv products, bissle stain remover.WORKS
2016-01-27jarrettEco-88 Pet Stain & Odor Remover Plus WORKS. I always keep one or two bottles on hand for that unexpected accident.WORKSWORKS55starsEco-88 Pet Stain & Odor Remover Plus WORKS. I always keep one or two bottles on hand for that unexpected accident.Five Stars
2016-01-24jarrettBest stuff ever! Thank you!Five StarsFive Stars55starsBest stuff ever! Thank you!Gets Out The Darkest, Most Set In Stains!
2016-01-23jarrettIf you have hard wood floors and dogs you need this!!! It is the only thing that will get it up!! Spray on and let sit for a while! Do not leave or it will turn the pee spot lighter than wood!!! Still it gets out the darkest, most set in stains!Gets Out The Darkest, Most Set In Stains!Gets Out The Darkest, Most Set In Stains!55starsIf you have hard wood floors and dogs you need this!!! It is the only thing that will get it up!! Spray on and let sit for a while! Do not leave or it will turn the pee spot lighter than wood!!! Still it gets out the darkest, most set in stains!Stain and Smell are Gone
2016-01-15jarrettDon't know how it does it, it just does. Soak up the stain, spray liberally and let it sit for a few hours. Stain and smell are gone. Highly recommend!Stain and Smell are GoneStain and Smell are Gone55starsDon't know how it does it, it just does. Soak up the stain, spray liberally and let it sit for a few hours. Stain and smell are gone. Highly recommend!Ecstatic Over Eco-88
2016-01-15jarrettMy all time favorite pet stain and odor remover. Easy to use and effective, I have found that it is my favorite product. I wish the price were less, but you do get what you pay for. I have recommended it to many others.Ecstatic Over Eco-88Ecstatic Over Eco-8855starsMy all time favorite pet stain and odor remover. Easy to use and effective, I have found that it is my favorite product. I wish the price were less, but you do get what you pay for. I have recommended it to many others.effective at getting the urine smell out
2016-01-13jarrettRecommended by my vet, this is pretty effective at getting the urine smell out. Pricier than other brands but it is more effectiveeffective at getting the urine smell outeffective at getting the urine smell out45starsRecommended by my vet, this is pretty effective at getting the urine smell out. Pricier than other brands but it is more effectiveThis Stuff Is Amazing! Even On Set In Stains
2016-01-06jarrettWith pets, I have used lots of stain and odor removers over the years. This stuff is amazing! Even on set in stains, you just spray and walk away! Wish it is was a little less expensive, but it is really good!This Stuff Is Amazing! Even On Set In StainsThis Stuff Is Amazing! Even On Set In Stains55starsWith pets, I have used lots of stain and odor removers over the years. This stuff is amazing! Even on set in stains, you just spray and walk away! Wish it is was a little less expensive, but it is really good!This Stuff Is A Multi-Purpose Cleaning Miracle
2015-12-31jarrettI'm here for my second bottle (first from Amazon). This stuff is amazing for sick dogs & cats.
update 16 Jan 2015: In addition to its on-label use, I've discovered that this product is amazing on set-in stains. I just removed the old, set-in stain in my mom's 60 year old linen tablecloth. Amazing!! I will always have this product on my shelf.This Stuff Is A Multi-Purpose Cleaning MiracleThis Stuff Is A Multi-Purpose Cleaning Miracle55starsI'm here for my second bottle (first from Amazon). This stuff is amazing for sick dogs & cats.
update 16 Jan 2015: In addition to its on-label use, I've discovered that this product is amazing on set-in stains. I just removed the old, set-in stain in my mom's 60 year old linen tablecloth. Amazing!! I will always have this product on my shelf.The Ultimate Enemy For Anaerobes!
2015-12-30jarrettBest stuff ever. I use it in my house for pet stains but also on my scrubs and shoes. I work in infectious disease research and am a medical school student and the amount of blood, vomit, and feces this product has taken care of for me is amazing. It really is true, you spray and walk away. All the blood splatter is gone within a few min and my shoes are absolutely clean and odorless. It's well worth the money.
The Ultimate Enemy For Anaerobes!The Ultimate Enemy For Anaerobes!55starsBest stuff ever. I use it in my house for pet stains but also on my scrubs and shoes. I work in infectious disease research and am a medical school student and the amount of blood, vomit, and feces this product has taken care of for me is amazing. It really is true, you spray and walk away. All the blood splatter is gone within a few min and my shoes are absolutely clean and odorless. It's well worth the money.
This Product Is Absolutely Amazing
2015-12-30jarrettThis product is absolutely amazing. It removes stains that you never thought could come out. I only wish that the package had been sealed better so that there is no leaking. We had that our problem with our package, but there was not much missing.
This Product Is Absolutely AmazingThis Product Is Absolutely Amazing55starsThis product is absolutely amazing. It removes stains that you never thought could come out. I only wish that the package had been sealed better so that there is no leaking. We had that our problem with our package, but there was not much missing.
Works On Dog Urine Stains And Bile Throw Up Stains
2015-12-25jarrettThis removed old puppy urine stains from my carpet and fresh throw up stains (bile - I don't know about undigested food stains) from carpet and bedspread. Spray and walk away is true (except for laundering bedspread after it dries.). I read some of the negative reviews and am surprised by them. I guess some carpets have been damaged, but this is definitely not hydrogen peroxide or my carpet would be spotted by now. Have used almost a whole bottle because my little dog is throwing up frequently from pancreatitis. Am ordering more.
I can't testify about odor removal since the puppy who wrecked my carpet in a matter of days is no longer here to repeat his vile behavior.
I do wish it sprayed better when it is getting 2/3 empty. I will transfer it to another spray bottle if need be. I have tried a lot of stain and odor removers.Works On Dog Urine Stains And Bile Throw Up StainsWorks On Dog Urine Stains And Bile Throw Up Stains55starsThis removed old puppy urine stains from my carpet and fresh throw up stains (bile - I don't know about undigested food stains) from carpet and bedspread. Spray and walk away is true (except for laundering bedspread after it dries.). I read some of the negative reviews and am surprised by them. I guess some carpets have been damaged, but this is definitely not hydrogen peroxide or my carpet would be spotted by now. Have used almost a whole bottle because my little dog is throwing up frequently from pancreatitis. Am ordering more.
I can't testify about odor removal since the puppy who wrecked my carpet in a matter of days is no longer here to repeat his vile behavior.
I do wish it sprayed better when it is getting 2/3 empty. I will transfer it to another spray bottle if need be. I have tried a lot of stain and odor removers.Can’t Believe It!
2015-12-18jarrettI thought I was going to have to throw out my expensive rugs! Our puppy was ruining them! I was afraid of wasting money on this, thinking there was no way it would really work. I've gone through 3 bottles and there isn't a trace of pet odor in my house! It's really the best money I've spent in a long time. I'll never be without it! A cat spray spot on a wooden area that had a faint smell for years was completely gone with two treatments! Use the urine finding flashlight and only treat the areas you find to avoid wasting any. Great product! Can't say it enough!Can’t Believe It!Can’t Believe It!55starsI thought I was going to have to throw out my expensive rugs! Our puppy was ruining them! I was afraid of wasting money on this, thinking there was no way it would really work. I've gone through 3 bottles and there isn't a trace of pet odor in my house! It's really the best money I've spent in a long time. I'll never be without it! A cat spray spot on a wooden area that had a faint smell for years was completely gone with two treatments! Use the urine finding flashlight and only treat the areas you find to avoid wasting any. Great product! Can't say it enough!Great Product!!
2015-12-16jarrettThis product is amazing. We have tried many different kinds of stain/odor removers and nothing even comes close to working. The stains and odor go away and there is no weird or strange smell left behind. It is well worth the expense.Great Product!!Great Product!!55starsThis product is amazing. We have tried many different kinds of stain/odor removers and nothing even comes close to working. The stains and odor go away and there is no weird or strange smell left behind. It is well worth the expense.This Stuff Is Miraculous
2015-12-02jarrettThis stuff is miraculous, and I am so glad I can get it on Amazon now! I have been using it for 5+ years and I recommend it to anyone I know who has carpet or cloth furniture. I have removed coffee stains, red wine stains, blood, pet urine, you name it. It is truly amazing. I have tried all sorts of things and I can honestly say this is the only thing I have ever used that has worked 100% of the time. There have been occasions when I have had to apply more than once, but it has always worked.
This Stuff Is MiraculousThis Stuff Is Miraculous55starsThis stuff is miraculous, and I am so glad I can get it on Amazon now! I have been using it for 5+ years and I recommend it to anyone I know who has carpet or cloth furniture. I have removed coffee stains, red wine stains, blood, pet urine, you name it. It is truly amazing. I have tried all sorts of things and I can honestly say this is the only thing I have ever used that has worked 100% of the time. There have been occasions when I have had to apply more than once, but it has always worked.
2015-11-28jarrettExcellent removal of pet stain from burlap covered ottomanExcellentExcellent55starsExcellent removal of pet stain from burlap covered ottomanThis Stuff Has Saved Our Carpets
2015-11-26jarrettThis stuff has saved our carpets. Make sure not to get on skin!This Stuff Has Saved Our CarpetsThis Stuff Has Saved Our Carpets55starsThis stuff has saved our carpets. Make sure not to get on skin!Best Ever
2015-11-21jarrettBest ever product for removing pet stains.Best EverBest Ever55starsBest ever product for removing pet stains.It’s The Best There Is
2015-11-13jarrettMakes that pee smell go away real well. I've bought this over and over, it's the best there is.It’s The Best There IsIt’s The Best There Is55starsMakes that pee smell go away real well. I've bought this over and over, it's the best there is.THE Best Stain And Odor Remover!
2015-11-04jarrettTHE best stain and ordor remover! I have five cats and this is the best!THE Best Stain And Odor Remover!THE Best Stain And Odor Remover!55starsTHE best stain and ordor remover! I have five cats and this is the best!This Is By Far The Best Cleaner
2015-11-01jarrettThis is by far the best cleaner for carpet when your four legged baby has an accident. Removes stains as well as smell. I gave it 4 stars because of the price.This Is By Far The Best CleanerThis Is By Far The Best Cleaner55starsThis is by far the best cleaner for carpet when your four legged baby has an accident. Removes stains as well as smell. I gave it 4 stars because of the price.Works Very Well.
2015-10-23jarrettThis stuff works so much better than anything else I've found for pet urine stains. And I' e tried plenty - the store brands, Natures Miracle, and Shout for pets. None worked. You may have to apply it twice but it works quite well on removing yellow stains from carpet. My vet uses it and bought some from him. Not really any cheaper thru Amazon but it's delivered right to the house.Works Very Well.Works Very Well.55starsThis stuff works so much better than anything else I've found for pet urine stains. And I' e tried plenty - the store brands, Natures Miracle, and Shout for pets. None worked. You may have to apply it twice but it works quite well on removing yellow stains from carpet. My vet uses it and bought some from him. Not really any cheaper thru Amazon but it's delivered right to the house.Saved Clothing, Rugs and Mattress Thank God!
2015-10-15jarrettMay take 1-2 attempts to remove odors or stains but works really well. Saved clothing, rugs and mattress thank God!Saved Clothing, Rugs and Mattress Thank God!Saved Clothing, Rugs and Mattress Thank God!55starsMay take 1-2 attempts to remove odors or stains but works really well. Saved clothing, rugs and mattress thank God!Best Product I’ve used
2015-10-11jarrettBest Product I've used. Not only is this the best stain remover I've used for pet accidents, I had a large coffee stain in my home office that I had no luck it getting it all up. I sprayed this stuff on and walked away. An hour later it was almost gone. I gave it another spray and the next day the stain was gone. It's a bit pricy, but I don't mind paying it since I know it works.Best Product I’ve usedBest Product I’ve used55starsBest Product I've used. Not only is this the best stain remover I've used for pet accidents, I had a large coffee stain in my home office that I had no luck it getting it all up. I sprayed this stuff on and walked away. An hour later it was almost gone. I gave it another spray and the next day the stain was gone. It's a bit pricy, but I don't mind paying it since I know it works.Excellent
2015-09-21jarrettWork great on dog stains. Doesn't have a strong smell, and it removes the smell of the dog urine.ExcellentExcellent55starsWork great on dog stains. Doesn't have a strong smell, and it removes the smell of the dog urine.Highly recommend!!!
2015-09-17jarrettAmazing. Spray and walk away. Removes stain and most importantly, the odor. Highly recommend!!!Highly recommend!!!Highly recommend!!!55starsAmazing. Spray and walk away. Removes stain and most importantly, the odor. Highly recommend!!!Really worked
2015-09-17jarrettonly thing I have ever used that really workedReally workedReally worked55starsonly thing I have ever used that really workedMIRACLE
2015-09-11jarrettThis stuff should be called MIRACLE.MIRACLEMIRACLE55starsThis stuff should be called MIRACLE.Miracle? YES!
2015-08-24jarrettI LOVE THIS STUFF! I am sensitive to chemicals and scents and this does not bother me AT ALL. There is no scent. You truly spray it and walk away. Even gross, crusty, nasty vomit disappeared. It is crazy easy. And the places around the litter box where the cat likes to go when she gets picky- GONE. She also quit going over there all together. And yes, it works on tile. Spray it, leave it, and wipe it down a couple mins later. While it says it is for stains like urine, vomit, feces, etc, we used it on some old food stains on my grandmas carpet. (She shakes and spills coffee and food just as often as children) I couldn't get them up with anything else and had almost given up. This stuff actually worked on them too. I went through the first bottle before I could blink and am waiting for my second bottle to arrive. Works great as a room fresh...Miracle? YES!Miracle? YES!55starsI LOVE THIS STUFF! I am sensitive to chemicals and scents and this does not bother me AT ALL. There is no scent. You truly spray it and walk away. Even gross, crusty, nasty vomit disappeared. It is crazy easy. And the places around the litter box where the cat likes to go when she gets picky- GONE. She also quit going over there all together. And yes, it works on tile. Spray it, leave it, and wipe it down a couple mins later. While it says it is for stains like urine, vomit, feces, etc, we used it on some old food stains on my grandmas carpet. (She shakes and spills coffee and food just as often as children) I couldn't get them up with anything else and had almost given up. This stuff actually worked on them too. I went through the first bottle before I could blink and am waiting for my second bottle to arrive. Works great as a room fresh...Five Stars
2015-08-23jarrettAwesome stuff!Five StarsFive Stars55starsAwesome stuff!Five Stars
2015-08-08jarrettWorks great!
Five StarsFive Stars55starsWorks great!
We Love How This Works On Pet “Accidents”
2015-08-04jarrettWe love how this works on pet "accidents"!! Unless we have really bad noses and don't know it, we can both say this is the best product we have found to remove both the stain and the scent! Our dog trainer who used to raise pups highly recommended it to us. It even removed purple bird poop from an outside pillow!We Love How This Works On Pet “Accidents”We Love How This Works On Pet “Accidents”55starsWe love how this works on pet "accidents"!! Unless we have really bad noses and don't know it, we can both say this is the best product we have found to remove both the stain and the scent! Our dog trainer who used to raise pups highly recommended it to us. It even removed purple bird poop from an outside pillow!BEST THING SICE SLICED BREAD!
2015-07-29jarrettI've had dogs for 40+ years and this is by far the best product I've ever used and I've probably tried at least 8 other cleaners. Cleaning our house then day prior to closing on its sale our male schnauzer decided to leave a gift for the new owners on the recently cleaned carpet. We were closing the next afternoon. Stain gone, smell gone. Gave it two applications just to be on the safe side. Normally, I treat the spot once, wait a few days and if there's still a smell I treat it again and I've not had a spot and odor that didn't go away (knock on wood!!!)BEST THING SICE SLICED BREAD!BEST THING SICE SLICED BREAD!55starsI've had dogs for 40+ years and this is by far the best product I've ever used and I've probably tried at least 8 other cleaners. Cleaning our house then day prior to closing on its sale our male schnauzer decided to leave a gift for the new owners on the recently cleaned carpet. We were closing the next afternoon. Stain gone, smell gone. Gave it two applications just to be on the safe side. Normally, I treat the spot once, wait a few days and if there's still a smell I treat it again and I've not had a spot and odor that didn't go away (knock on wood!!!)HOW DOES THIS STUFF WORK SO WELL?!?!?!!?
2015-07-28jarrettThis product is AMAZING. This will get any pet stain off of any surface. We bought this at an old vets office that we no longer go to and when we ran out of that bottle we thought it'd be the end of our Eco-88 spray and leave bananza but my daughter found this and we bought it in a heartbeat. Save yourself the trouble as this is a necessity in any pet owners home. Absolutely love this product and no chemical smell even after it dries!!!!!!HOW DOES THIS STUFF WORK SO WELL?!?!?!!?HOW DOES THIS STUFF WORK SO WELL?!?!?!!?55starsThis product is AMAZING. This will get any pet stain off of any surface. We bought this at an old vets office that we no longer go to and when we ran out of that bottle we thought it'd be the end of our Eco-88 spray and leave bananza but my daughter found this and we bought it in a heartbeat. Save yourself the trouble as this is a necessity in any pet owners home. Absolutely love this product and no chemical smell even after it dries!!!!!!Wow
2015-07-27jarrettWhat a wonderful product! I have a dog sitting business, my furry friends sometimes Peepee on my upstairs carpet! It looks so clean! Thank youWowWow55starsWhat a wonderful product! I have a dog sitting business, my furry friends sometimes Peepee on my upstairs carpet! It looks so clean! Thank youThe Best Pet Stain Cleaner
2015-07-22jarrettIt doesn't have the gross perfumey smell other urine cleaners have. I trust this product and I am very pleased with the effectiveness.The Best Pet Stain CleanerThe Best Pet Stain Cleaner55starsIt doesn't have the gross perfumey smell other urine cleaners have. I trust this product and I am very pleased with the effectiveness.Wow
2015-07-20jarrettExcellent!!! I especially like using this in the bathroom.WowWow55starsExcellent!!! I especially like using this in the bathroom.Best of Show!
2015-07-18jarrettI have tried oxyclean, hydrogen peroxide, several other pet urine cleaners...this actually does eradicate staining and odor completely...I would not be without this product...Best of Show!Best of Show!55starsI have tried oxyclean, hydrogen peroxide, several other pet urine cleaners...this actually does eradicate staining and odor completely...I would not be without this product...Best Stain Remover
2015-06-20jarrettBest stain remover I have ever used! Not only does it remove pet accidents, but it also works for muddy paws, coffee spills and other old stains. Additionally, it doesn't leave a sticky residue at all!Best Stain RemoverBest Stain Remover55starsBest stain remover I have ever used! Not only does it remove pet accidents, but it also works for muddy paws, coffee spills and other old stains. Additionally, it doesn't leave a sticky residue at all!Five Stars
2015-06-15jarrettEliminated stain and odor in just a few hours.Five StarsFive Stars55starsEliminated stain and odor in just a few hours.Worth Every Penny!
2015-06-14jarrettThis is the best stuff I have ever found to eliminate odors from pet accidents! Worth every penny!Worth Every Penny!Worth Every Penny!55starsThis is the best stuff I have ever found to eliminate odors from pet accidents! Worth every penny!Great Stuff!
2015-06-14jarrettGreat stuff! Removes smell and stains. Even the carpet cleaner guy who cleaned the carpets this year couldn't find any indication of doggy accidents.Great Stuff!Great Stuff!55starsGreat stuff! Removes smell and stains. Even the carpet cleaner guy who cleaned the carpets this year couldn't find any indication of doggy accidents.Really Works!
2015-05-27jarrettEco-88 was recommended to me by a woman who runs a dog day care. It does a great job of helping me clean up after my puppy, who's still undergoing some housebreaking. I am really amazed that Eco-88 works just like it says on the bottle!Really Works!Really Works!55starsEco-88 was recommended to me by a woman who runs a dog day care. It does a great job of helping me clean up after my puppy, who's still undergoing some housebreaking. I am really amazed that Eco-88 works just like it says on the bottle!The Smell Is GONE!
2015-05-25jarrettA friend recommended this item to help me de-funk our terrible smelling SUV. At the time, I thought the smell was from our baby spilling an entire bottle of milk on the seat. Not so lucky. It turned out that our vehicle had been infested with mice, (yes, this can happen...especially when you live next to a large field and have been experiencing heavy rainfall...and your vehicle has leftover goldfish crackers in the seat cushions)...We soon discovered our vehicle actually smelled of mouse pee, NOT sour milk. It was awful. We managed to live trap the mice fairly quickly, (six mice, for those who are curious), but the vehicle smelled awful. I remembered my friend recommending the Eco 88 and ordered a bottle right away from Amazon. It arrived in two days and I couldn't wait to try it.
The Smell is gone. I didn't believe it at first and even did the noserighttotheseat test, and I am amazed...I am ordering another bottle right now just to have on hand in case one of my ...The Smell Is GONE!The Smell Is GONE!55starsA friend recommended this item to help me de-funk our terrible smelling SUV. At the time, I thought the smell was from our baby spilling an entire bottle of milk on the seat. Not so lucky. It turned out that our vehicle had been infested with mice, (yes, this can happen...especially when you live next to a large field and have been experiencing heavy rainfall...and your vehicle has leftover goldfish crackers in the seat cushions)...We soon discovered our vehicle actually smelled of mouse pee, NOT sour milk. It was awful. We managed to live trap the mice fairly quickly, (six mice, for those who are curious), but the vehicle smelled awful. I remembered my friend recommending the Eco 88 and ordered a bottle right away from Amazon. It arrived in two days and I couldn't wait to try it.
The Smell is gone. I didn't believe it at first and even did the noserighttotheseat test, and I am amazed...I am ordering another bottle right now just to have on hand in case one of my ...Magic!
2015-05-24jarrettLove it! Works like magic!Magic!Magic!55starsLove it! Works like magic!A Miracle Product That Does What it Claims to Do
2015-05-21jarrettI first encountered this product at Bark 'N Purr pet store in Austin, TX. Initially, I balked at the over $20 price tag. Having purchased many a "miracle" stain removing products in the past only to be underwhelmed, I was skeptical. But when we got a new pup shortly after moving into a new house, I broke down to see if it was as good as the salespeople said it was. When I used it the first time--to clean some dog puke on our silk Oriental rug--it foamed up, and ten minutes later everything was gone. Stain, smell, everything was gone. I continued to religiously buy this product after leaving Austin, only to find it in Houston, where merchants also raved about it. Now I live in South Carolina and I buy it on Amazon. With two young kiddos, it comes in just as handy as it does for my dogs.
This stuff works on urine, blood, poop, and any other mess your pet (or kid) can throw at you. My kid spilled some breast milk on the floor mat of our car one day. The next day, aft...A Miracle Product That Does What it Claims to DoA Miracle Product That Does What it Claims to Do55starsI first encountered this product at Bark 'N Purr pet store in Austin, TX. Initially, I balked at the over $20 price tag. Having purchased many a "miracle" stain removing products in the past only to be underwhelmed, I was skeptical. But when we got a new pup shortly after moving into a new house, I broke down to see if it was as good as the salespeople said it was. When I used it the first time--to clean some dog puke on our silk Oriental rug--it foamed up, and ten minutes later everything was gone. Stain, smell, everything was gone. I continued to religiously buy this product after leaving Austin, only to find it in Houston, where merchants also raved about it. Now I live in South Carolina and I buy it on Amazon. With two young kiddos, it comes in just as handy as it does for my dogs.
This stuff works on urine, blood, poop, and any other mess your pet (or kid) can throw at you. My kid spilled some breast milk on the floor mat of our car one day. The next day, aft...The Stain Remover Is Amazing
2015-05-06jarrettThe stain remover is amazing. It removes pet urine stains wonderfully. I keep it on hand at all times.The Stain Remover Is AmazingThe Stain Remover Is Amazing55starsThe stain remover is amazing. It removes pet urine stains wonderfully. I keep it on hand at all times.I never write reviews, but I LOVE this stuff! I have tried SO many different products to remove stains and odors. I have a dog that likes to have accidents on the floor, and I have a cat that has a bladder disease; so he goes through stages where he goes to the bathroom on the carpet. I lived in Texas when I got this product (that is where they used to only sell this product) and it got every stain and odor out of my carpet. With stubborn stains you might have to use it twice but it will lift the stain right out! It is pricey, but is very much worth the money. I moved to Nebraska, and was very excited to see that they FINALLY had this product on Amazon!I Recommend To Everyone!
2015-04-27jarrettI never write reviews, but I LOVE this stuff! I have tried SO many different products to remove stains and odors. I have a dog that likes to have accidents on the floor, and I have a cat that has a bladder disease; so he goes through stages where he goes to the bathroom on the carpet. I lived in Texas when I got this product (that is where they used to only sell this product) and it got every stain and odor out of my carpet. With stubborn stains you might have to use it twice but it will lift the stain right out! It is pricey, but is very much worth the money. I moved to Nebraska, and was very excited to see that they FINALLY had this product on Amazon!I Recommend To Everyone!I Recommend To Everyone!55starsI never write reviews, but I LOVE this stuff! I have tried SO many different products to remove stains and odors. I have a dog that likes to have accidents on the floor, and I have a cat that has a bladder disease; so he goes through stages where he goes to the bathroom on the carpet. I lived in Texas when I got this product (that is where they used to only sell this product) and it got every stain and odor out of my carpet. With stubborn stains you might have to use it twice but it will lift the stain right out! It is pricey, but is very much worth the money. I moved to Nebraska, and was very excited to see that they FINALLY had this product on Amazon!Wonderful Product You Must Have Especially If You HAVE PetsBethany Dusenberry, left on AmazonApril 8th, 2015Wonderful Product You Must Have Especially If You HAVE Pets
2015-04-08jarrettI have used this product for years, It does all it says and more. I have to have it on hand.Wonderful Product You Must Have Especially If You HAVE PetsWonderful Product You Must Have Especially If You HAVE Pets55starsI have used this product for years, It does all it says and more. I have to have it on hand.Keep It On Hand
2015-04-07jarrettGreatest Stain remover Every pet owner needs to keep it on handKeep It On HandKeep It On Hand55starsGreatest Stain remover Every pet owner needs to keep it on handBetter Than Nature’s Miracle and All The Others!!!!
2015-04-03jarrettCompletely removes years old cat peeing. Amazing stuff!! Only way it could be better was if it came in gallon jugs.Better Than Nature’s Miracle and All The Others!!!!Better Than Nature’s Miracle and All The Others!!!!55starsCompletely removes years old cat peeing. Amazing stuff!! Only way it could be better was if it came in gallon jugs.This An Excellent Product
2015-03-27jarrettThis an excellent product and does a great job of taking out stains from my carpet.This An Excellent ProductThis An Excellent Product45starsThis an excellent product and does a great job of taking out stains from my carpet.This Is Hands Down The Best Cleaner For Bodily Fluids
2015-03-24jarrettThis is hands down the best cleaner for bodily fluids..... blood, urine, feces, sweat, and vomit. With my kids, we've had all kinds of accidents on all types of surfaces. I use this on everything from mattresses, clothing, carpet, tile (grout) and it works like a charm Stains that I thought would be impossible to remove came up easily, along with the odor. For bad stains, you may need to spray and let it dry a few times until it's completely removed, but it does eventually do the trick. I don't rub mine into the carpet but I do saturate the area. I feel like rubbing the stain just makes it worse and drives the stain deeper or spreads it out. It does leave a bit of a white substance on your hands if you happen to get it on you. It stings/burns ever so slightly to let you know it's there, ...
This Is Hands Down The Best Cleaner For Bodily FluidsThis Is Hands Down The Best Cleaner For Bodily Fluids55starsThis is hands down the best cleaner for bodily fluids..... blood, urine, feces, sweat, and vomit. With my kids, we've had all kinds of accidents on all types of surfaces. I use this on everything from mattresses, clothing, carpet, tile (grout) and it works like a charm Stains that I thought would be impossible to remove came up easily, along with the odor. For bad stains, you may need to spray and let it dry a few times until it's completely removed, but it does eventually do the trick. I don't rub mine into the carpet but I do saturate the area. I feel like rubbing the stain just makes it worse and drives the stain deeper or spreads it out. It does leave a bit of a white substance on your hands if you happen to get it on you. It stings/burns ever so slightly to let you know it's there, ...
I Love It!
2015-03-22jarrettproduct does everything it said I love it!I Love It!I Love It!55starsproduct does everything it said I love it!MUST HAVE
2015-03-16jarrettabsolutely a MUST HAVE - Works Great!MUST HAVEMUST HAVE55starsabsolutely a MUST HAVE - Works Great!This Stuff is Really Good For Pet Stains
2015-02-22jarrettThis stuff is really good for pet stains. It is incredibly strong and will destroy lingering odors. Be careful to not get it on your skin or to use gloves, because it will sting slightly and discolor your skin.This Stuff is Really Good For Pet StainsThis Stuff is Really Good For Pet Stains55starsThis stuff is really good for pet stains. It is incredibly strong and will destroy lingering odors. Be careful to not get it on your skin or to use gloves, because it will sting slightly and discolor your skin.Five Stars
2015-02-08jarrettThis stuff is great. Just spray it and let it work.Five StarsFive Stars55starsThis stuff is great. Just spray it and let it work.A Highly Effective Stain Remover
2015-02-07jarrettI am thrilled to see that Eco 88 can be purchased on Amazon! I used to buy it at a small pet boutique in my community. This is the only pet stain cleaner that works on carpeting and completely removes the stain and all hidden traces of the stain. I highly recommend Eco 88.A Highly Effective Stain RemoverA Highly Effective Stain Remover55starsI am thrilled to see that Eco 88 can be purchased on Amazon! I used to buy it at a small pet boutique in my community. This is the only pet stain cleaner that works on carpeting and completely removes the stain and all hidden traces of the stain. I highly recommend Eco 88.Works Amazingly!!!
2015-02-04jarrettAmazing product, worked for old and new cat urine stains. Out of all the products I've tried, this is the bestWorks Amazingly!!!Works Amazingly!!!55starsAmazing product, worked for old and new cat urine stains. Out of all the products I've tried, this is the bestFive Stars
2015-01-07jarrettbest pet stain product out thereFive StarsFive Stars55starsbest pet stain product out thereFive Stars
2015-01-07jarrettBest product ever!Five StarsFive Stars55starsBest product ever!Recommend it – YES!
2014-10-30jarrettProduct works great just like it says it will! Recommend it - YES!Recommend it – YES!Recommend it – YES!55starsProduct works great just like it says it will! Recommend it - YES!Worth It’s Weight In Gold
2014-10-28jarrettAmazing stuff! The best product by far! Worth it's weight in gold!Worth It’s Weight In GoldWorth It’s Weight In Gold55starsAmazing stuff! The best product by far! Worth it's weight in gold!Works Well On Eliminating Urine Odor From Carpets
2014-10-18jarrettRecommended by a friend who foster cats, frequently. Works well on eliminating urine odor from carpets. Would buy by the gallon if available, then transfer to the spray bottle.Works Well On Eliminating Urine Odor From CarpetsWorks Well On Eliminating Urine Odor From Carpets45starsRecommended by a friend who foster cats, frequently. Works well on eliminating urine odor from carpets. Would buy by the gallon if available, then transfer to the spray bottle.The Hype Is Real And My White Carpets Are Proof.
2014-09-08jarrettI have a dog, my bf has a dog, and we both have white carpet at our respective houses. This stuff lifts out any and all pet excretions (muddy paw prints, puke, poop, pee, even bloody smudges from gnawing at bones a little too obsessively from time to time) and it's worth its weight in gold for that alone. (I also have a cat and it works on hairball stains.) But it has also lifted out year-old green hair dye (Special FX) so deeply stained in white carpet that I thought I would have to cut out. And there is zero elbow grease required: just saturate the spot and leave it alone. Agree about wearing disposable gloves when using or washing immediately and with soap once you're done. Gonna try using this on a lovesac that got stained with urine, feeling optimistic!The Hype Is Real And My White Carpets Are Proof.The Hype Is Real And My White Carpets Are Proof.55starsI have a dog, my bf has a dog, and we both have white carpet at our respective houses. This stuff lifts out any and all pet excretions (muddy paw prints, puke, poop, pee, even bloody smudges from gnawing at bones a little too obsessively from time to time) and it's worth its weight in gold for that alone. (I also have a cat and it works on hairball stains.) But it has also lifted out year-old green hair dye (Special FX) so deeply stained in white carpet that I thought I would have to cut out. And there is zero elbow grease required: just saturate the spot and leave it alone. Agree about wearing disposable gloves when using or washing immediately and with soap once you're done. Gonna try using this on a lovesac that got stained with urine, feeling optimistic!Truly Excellent Product
2014-09-02jarrettThis stuff is amazing. I got my first bottle at my vet's office but it's much easier to order it. Really, really works.Truly Excellent ProductTruly Excellent Product55starsThis stuff is amazing. I got my first bottle at my vet's office but it's much easier to order it. Really, really works.Incredible
2014-08-31jarrettBest product I've ever used for dogs... I board in my home both puppies and adult dogs.... gets rid of all smells and stains... even those over a year old... works really well on vomit, too... I also use it for protein stains on my own clothes... can't say how much I love this product... 🙂IncredibleIncredible55starsBest product I've ever used for dogs... I board in my home both puppies and adult dogs.... gets rid of all smells and stains... even those over a year old... works really well on vomit, too... I also use it for protein stains on my own clothes... can't say how much I love this product... 🙂Amazing!
2014-08-17jarrettClosest thing to a miracle product I've ever found - it does exactly what it says. Eco-88 even works on red wine, it got the stains out of carpet and clothes! Cannot say enough good things about it!Amazing!Amazing!55starsClosest thing to a miracle product I've ever found - it does exactly what it says. Eco-88 even works on red wine, it got the stains out of carpet and clothes! Cannot say enough good things about it!Love love love This Stuff
2014-07-24jarrettLove love love this stuff! I'm getting ready to order more! Does it come in a gallon? Great for pet stains!Love love love This StuffLove love love This Stuff55starsLove love love this stuff! I'm getting ready to order more! Does it come in a gallon? Great for pet stains!This Is The Best “Dog Stain” Remover I Have Ever Used
2014-07-05jarrettThis is the best "dog stain" remover I have ever used. I strongly recommend it to anyone who needs such a product!This Is The Best “Dog Stain” Remover I Have Ever UsedThis Is The Best “Dog Stain” Remover I Have Ever Used55starsThis is the best "dog stain" remover I have ever used. I strongly recommend it to anyone who needs such a product!This Stuff is Great!
2014-06-07jarrettGot dogs in your house? We do. I would highly recommend this product to clean up any "messes" in your home. As the instructions say on the bottle "spray it and just walk away" No residual odor, no mess, it's an excellent product. Great value for the money.This Stuff is Great!This Stuff is Great!55starsGot dogs in your house? We do. I would highly recommend this product to clean up any "messes" in your home. As the instructions say on the bottle "spray it and just walk away" No residual odor, no mess, it's an excellent product. Great value for the money.Great for Blood
2014-05-30jarrettGot an old blood stain out of my off white carpet in seconds! I originally bought this to remove cat urine odors, however, and it did not work. Also, if you get it on your skin it will turn it white and burn very bad. Highly disappointed in it's odor removing abilities but going to keep it for stain removal since it works so well for that.Great for BloodGreat for Blood55starsGot an old blood stain out of my off white carpet in seconds! I originally bought this to remove cat urine odors, however, and it did not work. Also, if you get it on your skin it will turn it white and burn very bad. Highly disappointed in it's odor removing abilities but going to keep it for stain removal since it works so well for that.Best Product on The Market For Cleaning Up Pet Odors.
2014-05-23jarrettEco-88 is the best product on the market for cleaning up pet odors. I've tried so many of them and none gave me good results. This item removes the smell so well the pet doesn't return to use that area again. I recommend any pet owner to have this product on hand before you need it because everyone has accidents.Best Product on The Market For Cleaning Up Pet Odors.Best Product on The Market For Cleaning Up Pet Odors.55starsEco-88 is the best product on the market for cleaning up pet odors. I've tried so many of them and none gave me good results. This item removes the smell so well the pet doesn't return to use that area again. I recommend any pet owner to have this product on hand before you need it because everyone has accidents.OH MY GOSH!
2014-04-29jarrettMy sister recommended this product. She raved about it. I have three dogs and they hate to use the pet door if it is raining or chilly. All I do is spray the spot and let is dry. Poof, the stain and odor are gone. I spilled some liquid make-up on the carpet and couldn't get it all out with my regular spot remover. I sprayed it with Eco-88 and in 45 seconds the spot was gone. Awesome stuff! Gonna try it on the laundry.OH MY GOSH!OH MY GOSH!55starsMy sister recommended this product. She raved about it. I have three dogs and they hate to use the pet door if it is raining or chilly. All I do is spray the spot and let is dry. Poof, the stain and odor are gone. I spilled some liquid make-up on the carpet and couldn't get it all out with my regular spot remover. I sprayed it with Eco-88 and in 45 seconds the spot was gone. Awesome stuff! Gonna try it on the laundry.Magic?
2014-04-06jarrettCats + carpet = stains. Eco-88 + stains = no stains. I don't know what's in this stuff but it is something of a miracle product. 100% worth the price.Magic?Magic?55starsCats + carpet = stains. Eco-88 + stains = no stains. I don't know what's in this stuff but it is something of a miracle product. 100% worth the price.Seriously The Best!
2014-03-21jarrettThis was recommended to me by a friend that claimed "If you spill red wine, just spray and walk away" I did not believe him so he gave me the rest of his bottle. Seriously this works! I use it for all stains including pet stains and odor and it works! Yes even red wine. I love it because it is Eco friendly and I can use on clothes. I order a minimum of 2 bottles at a time. Once you use this you will never use anything else! The price is right and it last a long time. You can't go wrong with this product! Plus the best price I have found is on Amazon.Seriously The Best!Seriously The Best!55starsThis was recommended to me by a friend that claimed "If you spill red wine, just spray and walk away" I did not believe him so he gave me the rest of his bottle. Seriously this works! I use it for all stains including pet stains and odor and it works! Yes even red wine. I love it because it is Eco friendly and I can use on clothes. I order a minimum of 2 bottles at a time. Once you use this you will never use anything else! The price is right and it last a long time. You can't go wrong with this product! Plus the best price I have found is on Amazon.Saved Me From Having To Replace My Carpet
2014-03-13jarrettA product that gets the stains out. This has even removed critter stains from the prior owners pets. It has saved me from having to replace my carpet.Saved Me From Having To Replace My CarpetSaved Me From Having To Replace My Carpet55starsA product that gets the stains out. This has even removed critter stains from the prior owners pets. It has saved me from having to replace my carpet.The Best Solution For Pet Cleanup
2014-02-17jarrettThis stuff works better than any other product on the market. I don't know what is in it or how it works but it removes the stains and odors from a pet accident with no fuss. It even works on stains from dirt and crud tracked into the house. I discovered this stuff in Dallas in 2012 and have kept 2 bottles on hand ever since.The Best Solution For Pet CleanupThe Best Solution For Pet Cleanup55starsThis stuff works better than any other product on the market. I don't know what is in it or how it works but it removes the stains and odors from a pet accident with no fuss. It even works on stains from dirt and crud tracked into the house. I discovered this stuff in Dallas in 2012 and have kept 2 bottles on hand ever since.Best Product EVER!!!!!!!!
2014-02-11jarrettHaving several animals in the house, and one at least 14, accidents do happen, but with ECO 88., no evidence of stains, accidents, odor. its great!Best Product EVER!!!!!!!!Best Product EVER!!!!!!!!55starsHaving several animals in the house, and one at least 14, accidents do happen, but with ECO 88., no evidence of stains, accidents, odor. its great!Awesome Product
2014-02-04jarrettIf you really want to get rid of pet stains specially in carpets, my dog had only 5 accidents inside the house until he was potty trained you wont regret itAwesome ProductAwesome Product55starsIf you really want to get rid of pet stains specially in carpets, my dog had only 5 accidents inside the house until he was potty trained you wont regret itBest Pet Cleaner
2014-02-04jarrettIt's pricey (imo), but works wonderfully. In fact, I used it to clean hot chocolate off my beige carpeting! My favorite aspect is that it really does remove all odors ... and not by masking them with some other scent. Keeps my allergies in check.Best Pet CleanerBest Pet Cleaner55starsIt's pricey (imo), but works wonderfully. In fact, I used it to clean hot chocolate off my beige carpeting! My favorite aspect is that it really does remove all odors ... and not by masking them with some other scent. Keeps my allergies in check.Superior Product
2014-02-03jarrettThis is an excellent product. It effectively and easily removes all carpet stains. I highly recommend using this product for any carpet stain.Superior ProductSuperior Product55starsThis is an excellent product. It effectively and easily removes all carpet stains. I highly recommend using this product for any carpet stain.Get This
2013-12-22jarrettIf you have a dog you will need this product someday. Have it handy because it will save your carpeting. It really does work: Spray and walk away... amazing!!Get ThisGet This55starsIf you have a dog you will need this product someday. Have it handy because it will save your carpeting. It really does work: Spray and walk away... amazing!!An Excellent Product!
2013-12-20jarrettI like this product and find it much more effective than Nature's Miracle or any carpet product. It even works on old blood stains on fabrics that can't be washed. Worth every penny.An Excellent Product!An Excellent Product!55starsI like this product and find it much more effective than Nature's Miracle or any carpet product. It even works on old blood stains on fabrics that can't be washed. Worth every penny.I Love Eco-88!
2013-12-16jarrettWorks like a charm! First, you have to get up all that you can with paper towels. Then, when all you have is a brown spot, spray it well. It starts to work immediately by fading the color of the stain. I have used it on light and dark carpet. This stuff is amazing!I Love Eco-88!I Love Eco-88!55starsWorks like a charm! First, you have to get up all that you can with paper towels. Then, when all you have is a brown spot, spray it well. It starts to work immediately by fading the color of the stain. I have used it on light and dark carpet. This stuff is amazing!No Ifs Ands Or Buts With This Product.
2013-11-21jarrettWorks. It removes all the horrible odors in the air the first time. No ifs ands or buts with this product.No Ifs Ands Or Buts With This Product.No Ifs Ands Or Buts With This Product.55starsWorks. It removes all the horrible odors in the air the first time. No ifs ands or buts with this product.Works Like A Dream
2013-11-09jarrettWorks like a dream on cat and dog urine stains as well as dog vomit spots. Also, breaks up the cat urine odor which I haven't smelled since treatment. I highly recommend this product.Works Like A DreamWorks Like A Dream55starsWorks like a dream on cat and dog urine stains as well as dog vomit spots. Also, breaks up the cat urine odor which I haven't smelled since treatment. I highly recommend this product.Greatest Cleaner Ever!!!!
2013-10-05jarrettAs the owner of several pets, of various ages, I'm often finding little accidents long after the incident and ordinarily they would be nearly impossible to clean and get rid of entirely, but with ECO 88, a few squirts and voila! they're gone. Only wish I could buy this stuff in a gallon jug!!!! I tell everyone I know who has pets or children about this , its amazing.!!!!!!Greatest Cleaner Ever!!!!Greatest Cleaner Ever!!!!55starsAs the owner of several pets, of various ages, I'm often finding little accidents long after the incident and ordinarily they would be nearly impossible to clean and get rid of entirely, but with ECO 88, a few squirts and voila! they're gone. Only wish I could buy this stuff in a gallon jug!!!! I tell everyone I know who has pets or children about this , its amazing.!!!!!!Better Than Most
2013-09-18jarrettThis is a great product for some stains. I had a kitty that died in my apartment last year. Just before she died she had tarry liquid bowels. Nothing removed the stains until I used this product. They are now gone. Only thing it has not removed is the recent vomit stains from my remaining kitty. Maybe I didn't use it right, but it either faded the carpet or left some of the stain behind. The carpet in this place is VERY cheap, so that may explain it. Well worth the money. I will buy again.Better Than MostBetter Than Most55starsThis is a great product for some stains. I had a kitty that died in my apartment last year. Just before she died she had tarry liquid bowels. Nothing removed the stains until I used this product. They are now gone. Only thing it has not removed is the recent vomit stains from my remaining kitty. Maybe I didn't use it right, but it either faded the carpet or left some of the stain behind. The carpet in this place is VERY cheap, so that may explain it. Well worth the money. I will buy again.Wish It Came In Gallons!
2013-08-20jarrettMy two small dogs decided our bedroom carpet was the place to go, when we were gone. I literally had a yellow polka dot carpet and when I tried my pet stain Spot Bot, I ended up with round yellow tinged spots. I thought I had to replace the carpeting.
A friend told me about this product and much to my skepticism, I purchased and sprayed away! Old stains, new stains, stains I didn't know what they were...but I walked away and refused to go look until I went to bed that night "just in case."
Much to my and my friends amazement, they all disappeared! AMAZING!! No scrubbing, no dabbing. Just spray and walk away. I will be bringing this with me everywhere I go just to prove to people! HIGHLY satisfied customer!!Wish It Came In Gallons!Wish It Came In Gallons!55starsMy two small dogs decided our bedroom carpet was the place to go, when we were gone. I literally had a yellow polka dot carpet and when I tried my pet stain Spot Bot, I ended up with round yellow tinged spots. I thought I had to replace the carpeting.
A friend told me about this product and much to my skepticism, I purchased and sprayed away! Old stains, new stains, stains I didn't know what they were...but I walked away and refused to go look until I went to bed that night "just in case."
Much to my and my friends amazement, they all disappeared! AMAZING!! No scrubbing, no dabbing. Just spray and walk away. I will be bringing this with me everywhere I go just to prove to people! HIGHLY satisfied customer!!Eco-88 is Great!
2013-07-29jarrettI love the product! It performed just as advertised. There were some spots from our cat (throw-up) on the rug which I had tried to remove with another product, which did not completely remove the stains. When I used Eco-88 on the spots, they disappeared. I have even used it on residual spots on items of clothing before washing them, and it also worked very well. I would recommend this product to anyone who has tried other products with poor results for stain removal. It.is well worth the price.Eco-88 is Great!Eco-88 is Great!55starsI love the product! It performed just as advertised. There were some spots from our cat (throw-up) on the rug which I had tried to remove with another product, which did not completely remove the stains. When I used Eco-88 on the spots, they disappeared. I have even used it on residual spots on items of clothing before washing them, and it also worked very well. I would recommend this product to anyone who has tried other products with poor results for stain removal. It.is well worth the price.2013-07-13jarrett Several months ago I moved a plant through my living room and unfortunately, there was water in the pot which spilled on the carpet. Used several over-the-counter cleaners but ended up buying an area rug to cover the stain. Had carpet professionally cleaned but spot returned a few days after cleaning.
My niece and her 2 adorable puppies came to visit along with a bottle of Eco-88.. Tried it on the stain caused by plant water and the stain was GONE!!! Since then I have used in several other areas where grandkids have spilt soda, etc. and stains come out EVERY TIME.
GREAT STUFF (and not just for pet stains55starsSeveral months ago I moved a plant through my living room and unfortunately, there was water in the pot which spilled on the carpet. Used several over-the-counter cleaners but ended up buying an area rug to cover the stain. Had carpet professionally cleaned but spot returned a few days after cleaning.
My niece and her 2 adorable puppies came to visit along with a bottle of Eco-88.. Tried it on the stain caused by plant water and the stain was GONE!!! Since then I have used in several other areas where grandkids have spilt soda, etc. and stains come out EVERY TIME.
GREAT STUFF (and not just for pet stains